God is with the Patient
Patience is a virtue that most of us don't have - especially our governments.
Should we have stayed in Iraq longer ?
Are we leaving before the job is finished?
I never wanted us to be there in the first place, but this is an excellent article worth reading....
I remember that devastating footage of Halabja and how the world stood by, the same world which was supplying Iraq and Iran with weapons (Iran-contra), the world is full of hypocrisy and iniquity. I really hope Iraq walks out of this mess and becomes a role model for this region.
The sad thing was that I remmeber the Halabja chemical attacks. The pictures of the victims went all over the world. The UN was informed, but the world stood by and allowed it to happen because at the time Iraq was at war with Iran.. :O(
@ Britexpat: time is very elastic on this side of the world,perhaps the US should have waited, but let's not forget the neocons and their extremism.
@ FatimaH: the depleted uranium has a half life of 4 billion years, unlike chemical weapons which has a transient effect. Saddam was a ruthless dictator, nevertheless, Iraqis enjoyed electricity , water and to some extent security,Qasim and others had the intention to invade Kuwait as well, but he was assassinated, so Kuwait has always been at risk of invasion by Iraq.
Hope that this patient survives.
did they achieve anything? Now they are trying to wash teir hands off the demon that they created. Would it come back to haunt them? Gotta wait and see.
I bet you guys didn't read the article :O)
The question is about patience and the Arabs..
Look at Syria.. It bided its time and now it is coming back into the fold...
Should the US have done the same..?
it was the same when russia invaded afghanistan, and the american's wanted to make a force which would throw the russian's out of afghanistan. Who was osama-bin-laden, he was on the pay roll of cia in the war against russian, taliban was made by the money of cia and cia operatives were in direct contact with the taliban leadership.
now the same cia is waging a war against taliban.
iraq is in the state of chaos now. even after about 2 months of elections, they have not been able to form a stable government. almost everyday we see some soldiers killed in blasts or booby traps in the houses..
some soldiers say, iraq would need US help even after 10 years!!
if the US wants to leave iraq in this state and doesnt want to bleed more money on iraq...its there choice.
however, i feel, US should atleast wait for a democratic goverment to stabilise first and then wind up slowly.
Saddam was not just a terror in Iraq..how about his heartless attacks on countries like Kuwait where he's invading army even killed among others Islamic scholars! Ok so US used Uranium but what about the usage of chemical weapons by Saddam's army?Would that have not had its evil repercussions too?I'm not saying the US were perfect knights in shinning amour and Saddam the all evil but as a Muslima I believe the saying of Allah ""And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned" truly Iraq is in the position they are in today sadly because of their corrupt rulers and their misdeeds. May Allah grant the people of Iraq guidance and mercy in abundance..Aameen!
the current Iraqi govt is under the wing of Tehran, so its up to Iran now. You don't walk into my home, destroy it and leave me to the wolves.
On seeing Iraqs condition after war,.. cudnt agree with their invasion !!
will thy ever gain peace!! wen will those ppl sleep calmly n peacefully!!!
Its up to the Iraqi govt now, if they want the troops to stay longer its their request, if not they go home.
Removing a dictator should come from the within, not by outsiders, there was a strong rebellion in 1991 by the Iraqi people to overthrow Saddam, however the collation forces back then decided to supply him with fuel and let his helicopters fly in the no fly zone in the south and put an end to that rebellion.
Some of the children of Iraq today are born with cancer, thanks to the depleted uranium which was used by the US, shall Iraqis be grateful for that ? it will take decades before some Iraqis can have normal babies.
Just like Saddam , there are many other dictators out there, for instance in Cuba, which is not far from Florida, so using that logic, Castro should be first.
At least under Saddam , Al Qaida had no presence in Iraq, look at Iraq today, you can't even shop in peace.
At the moment Iraq is just another Persian state under the wing of Tehran.
Yes indeed there was much controversy and corruption attached to both Saddam's coming into power and his ruler-ship, Qadrallah mashafa'al. However at the time he was ousted it was truly an enormous blessing,Alhamdullilah. May Allah forgive him & grant him his mercy, but truly the trial of Saddam was terrorizing and we have to be grateful to those who helped destroy his tyranny!
First who install Sadaam as head of state of Iraq in 1979. The plan started from that period until this minute.Please do research Brit Expat on this aspect. Things will clear on its own.
So true Allah is with those who are sabareen, patient.
in the first place, coalition forces should not have gone into iraq and afghanistan....
the reason for going out, would mean accomplishing what has been your objective going in, unless the objective isn't really clear. Nevertheless, I personally believe that its not the best time.
This is not about the reasons for going in.. This is about leaving and the timing of the exit..
TFS Brit..The situation is very sad back in Iraq. Having said that at least they accomplished vanquishing Saddam Hussein and his cronies from their positions of power and destruction.This was after all no mean feat!
I have to agree with Tariq Aziz, Obama is "leaving Iraq to the wolves". Iraq needs another Saddam.
...would this be fine?
C4H4: I, too, would feel uncomfortable hearing your siren ringtone.
C4H4 please reduce the "" in your signature so that your response fits in the window and we can read it.
...the Iraq issue is quite sensitive. Iraq became synonymous to the word "war" when I started to learn about this country. It's quite unclear whether to believe the intentions and the reasons of their involvement. I would love to give them peace if I could. The same way I would like to have peace in the Philippines South Islands.
I have an Iraqi friend and I was surprised, that he is not comfortable hearing a siren which i used as a cellphone ringtone once. He said, it sounds like a missile alarm.
It depends on what you mean by "the job." The reasons for entering Iraq have never been clear. If you believe that the plan was to remove Saddam Hussein from power, mission accomplished.