The Gaza issue becomes unbearable!

I don't know how do you all feel, but for me the crisis in Gaza becomes unbearable, I can't watch Al Jazeera anymore, I can't stop myself from crying when I see the despair of the palestinian people. First of all, this can't be called a "war"...war is when two forces fight each other, but the palestinians are in a situation when they can't even fight back, they just wait to die, israelis are attacking UN school used as shelters for those who left their homes, where can they hide anymore??/Can u imagine what it's like to not know if tomorrow u will be alive or not???? But death is not the biggest tragedy, the ultimate pain is when u see the loved ones die in front of u, especially ur children. Can u imagine what it's like??? I'm writing this here and I can't stop my tears, what can we do to stop this??? The Israelis say they are fighting Hamas...all the palestinian are Hamas, should they kill them all? I am Hamas, though I'm not even arab, let the Israel army come and kill me!!! Hamas killed 4 israilis in the last few years of seige, hunger, humiliation for the Gaza stip more than 600 palestinians have died...Is palestinian blood so cheap? I just saw on Al Jazeera english one woman, an israili army major or something like that who was answering questions about the UN school incident and she was actually smiling while talking about it and her arogance was driving me crazy. When she was told that appologizing about these incidents after they take place would be of no help to those who die innocent she replied "don't get me wrong, I'm not appologizing for anything",she also said Hamas desirves to be punished...punished by killing civilians, I say!!! I also saw one palestinian woman who said that her infant daughter doesn't accept the bottle of formula anymore because she doesn't have wather to wash it, she said "they brought me a blanket and milk" reffering to the humanitarian aid from the arab countries, she said she doesn't even want to see it, this is not what she needs right now. What these people need is the arab countries, the UN, the EU to stand by them and stop the genocide, and give them back their freedom, freedom to vote, freedom to travel, freedom to work, freedom to be helped by others.
P.S. Sorry if I sound incoherent, please understand my emotions.
I share the same feelings.
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
Yes, Khanan, every day I tell myself not to watch the news(I'm not much of a news person anyway) but just I can't ignore everything and pretend that everything is ok. And everytime I see the poor dead children, I imagine what if it was my one year and a half son?? He is my life, my everything, every parent understands my words, there is no bigger pain than this, may God help the people of Palestine, may there be jusice for them!
If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humour.
its becoming worse day by day..just sitting helplessly in front of TV and praying.
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
UkEngQatar, I would recommend you some "concentrated" plum juice made in Romania, guaranteed to keep you "quiet" for few days!!! :-))
If you could choose one characteristic that would get you through life, choose a sense of humour.
QS I thing you can offer me the wine if anyone else does not want it..
ECoSavvy Wine is just grape juice..
here i am, quoting again, but of course i'm no expert in the exact definition of troll.
wiki says
An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
Drac,where do you find all these images?? you are master in it!
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Looks like "roast chicken" to me.
speaking of wine language.the best wine poetry are Arabic/Persian ;)
i know Dracy...
but today I feel a troll myself by teasing them.. let these angry people get the anger and hatred out of their hearts and minds, maybe they will feel better?..LOL..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
what is wine for you holy water???
like i posted earlier... for example, you can say something like
"this children deserves to die, else they'll become suicide bomber anyway"
or you can do the right thing. but i doubt very much that you can. One more reason i don't bother giving opinion.
By the way from your reply, you don't seem like someone who's willing to listen for an opinion.
oouch..Eco-savvy...mind you language. wallah calm down..
dont suggest your piggish drinks to others
oh, i see... and then - what?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
somebody will missed the 60-year old news
oh.."why why, how come"?
you are full of hatred, man..
anyway, since "This is 60 years of same news all over again", why to post a link to the same news?
..go get some glass of wine, relax.....
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
i feel the same,crying all the time.feeling helpless.i can not see the killed children any more and i can not change the channel either .it is a nightmare that does nor want to come to an end.
people who are killed are freed but who are still alive without food and who see thier babies die because they can not find food,that picture does not leave my mind.and israelis says that they are defending themselves from what?but people who killed the prophits can kill children and can make people starve to death.
hasbona ALLAH wa neema al wakeel
QS is right straycat..give your opinion rather than strayed links to news that we are watching and following..
and i see lot's of bS with distorted facts, and i've been in this forum for many years already.
I'm here only to give links to those who don't read the news. you can BS whatever you want with it.
This is not yesterday's news that requires opinion or discussion and on and on without any resolutions. This is 60 years of same news all over again.
straycat, we all watching and reading news, at least those who are interested.. no need to duplicate Al Jazeera or yahoo news, or whatever here..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry;_ylt=Au1GmXtyPSnViFruAXJL.sis0NUE
GAZA CITY, Gaza – Israeli mortar shells struck outside a U.N. school where hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge on Tuesday, killing at least 30 people — many of them children whose parents wailed in grief at a hospital filled with dead and wounded.
and this is really sad, KH... when innocent are dying, and their governement LET them die...wallah sad...
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Who brought the bear to his tent/camp
Anyhow. It is not the proper time to argue. There are innocent people being killed for no reason
ok, nadt, let's go there...
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Comments from Abbas are not helpful, blaming the killings on Hamas. Atleast he can try to unite peopel and not try to make political gains from this desperate situation to please his US masters..Shame
At least Sarkozy is speaking up so far he is the only Leader that has had the ____ to speak up. I hope the EU can do something as its quite obvious neither the US nor the Arab world will do a damn thing. The Hate and Anger that is going to eminate from this Genocide will be very long lasting indeed. Imagine Israel knew civilians were taking refuge in the school and they bombed it. I never knew such evil could go unhindered in a "civilized" society. God Bless the poor babies that are dying and I pray their families will get justice but nothing can replace their babies.
i agree its become unbearable, and we are only watching it from our TV screens, can you imagine what it is really like..ameen to you dua pitstop...
I hear you stress_in_babel. What is happening is heart breaking. There are a lot of people that would love to travel to help them, but they know there is nothing much that they can do. Fighting these invaders is close to impossible. Look at the weapons used against the civilians. Why is this happening and when will it all end? How could the Isrealies themselves sleep at night knowing that someone in their family, or relative is murdering innocent poor souls.
May Allah be with them and give them strength. Our prayers are for them!!