Father of bomber warned US!!!!!!

By phoenix2009

OK, here's the thing, the father of the nigerian would-be bomber notified the us embassy in nigeria about his son's suspected relations with al-qaeida and Yemen, the young man had his visa approved on june 2008 and valid through june 2010, yet NOBODY took an action against him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here's the link

NOW, two things,
the father is muslim, it's his own SON, yet he walked to the US embassy and informed them about his own son, that's the spirit.

Second: what the heck were US CIA doing when he took the flight?????
"officials spoke on condition of anonymity because neither was authorized to speak to the media"

WHY wouldn't they speak to the media????????
don't the people who almost lost their lives (approx 150) owe the US government an explanation????????

what do you think?

By phoenix2009• 30 Dec 2009 12:12

isale, they might have been created by CIA sometimes before, now, it's completely out of control.

did you know that the so called (AL Qaeida in Arabian Peninsula) supported the Yemen government against communists few years back? it's the same that happenned in Afghanistan with CIA ahen Bin laden helped the americans to get rid of the Soviets.

they created mutants, killing machines, and now, they just can't control them anymore.


By s_isale• 30 Dec 2009 12:07

Later on you will come to know that most of the were informants of FBI or CIA

By phoenix2009• 30 Dec 2009 11:59

mmyke, be proud always, of yourself first and then try to improve societies by any means, this would make you proud everywhere you go.

Sun, i agree with you, big nations are only "trying" to deal with the symptoms neglecting the illness itself.

after few days, now again some updates, Obama speech emphasises necessity to improve airport security checks

I personnaly don't mind waiting 4 hours for checking if this would prevent terrorist acts.

the guy infiltrated some liquids that when mixed together cause explosion, no matter how small, in the air, it would destroy airplane.


By carol2008• 30 Dec 2009 11:33


By anonymous• 30 Dec 2009 00:29

the one who blow up their meat and the one who's policies are provoking them.


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

By carol2008• 29 Dec 2009 23:44

I honestly think that the bottom line problem is that US and Europe give away too many passports and make it way too easy for anyone to get a visa. And if serious precautions were going to be taken targeting the suspects... then an outrage from human rights and religious people would make the news in a blink!

I also wanna have the right to board a plane and know no meat-head is going to blow himself in-flight!!! If these people really want to blow themselves... BE MY GUEST... go to the desert and blow yourselves there and do the world a favour!!!!

By anonymous• 29 Dec 2009 21:25

except for the fact that I don't have that kind of guts.

Are you nuts?......no doubt I am crazy about you!

By anonymous• 29 Dec 2009 21:24

Well Mandi, you can't say this about Kasab (Mumbai attack terrorist)and many others. These are boys from very poor families. They will kiss death easily if they are assured that their families will be fed after them.

I don't think being wealthy in any poor country means the same as being wealthy in developed countries.

I am educated well, come from good family. But what surrounds me is a deadly competition, despair,almost no opportunities and infinite insecurity. If I had that kind of company and connection and right incentives, nothing will stop me from being the next suicide bomber .

Are you nuts?......no doubt I am crazy about you!

By simplyJC• 29 Dec 2009 21:22

oh well...what can i say?

"there are no mistakes...just lessons learned"

By Mandilulur• 29 Dec 2009 21:11

Sun, our latest terrorist suspect is from a very wealthy Nigerian family. He went to private schools and university and lived in a luxury flat in London. I don't think he was ever hungry or poor. That is not to say that these conditions don't exist elsewhere, but he was not radicalized by either close proximity or personal experience of these factors.


By anonymous• 29 Dec 2009 20:08

mmy......there are many other things in your country which makes your country the way it is.........I refrain from criticizing Americans as five of my family members are Americans.

Are you nuts?......no doubt I am crazy about you!

By mmyke• 29 Dec 2009 17:28

we work at keeping our country the way it is...we work everyday at creating, maintaining, and improving the institutions that make my country the way it is.

It is not a fluke, or something that just happens on its own....and we give up a lot of personal gains for the common good...and we are proud of it.

By phoenix2009• 29 Dec 2009 17:00


Are you nuts?......no doubt I am crazy about you! :)


By anonymous• 29 Dec 2009 16:22

Please be sensitive to other people's plight.Maybe it is insensitivity of the rest of the world to the political turmoils of south asia which has made them turn into harvesting field for terrorist.

If you think that cry of a hungry child in Peshawar, Mumbai or Kabul is none of your concern, the next thing you will hear is a bomb explosion at your doorstep.

World is becoming smaller. Be careful.

Are you nuts?......no doubt I am crazy about you!

By Eve• 28 Dec 2009 09:29

After hearing more of the news you would think a father telling authorities his sons involvement with radical groups and the fact he had a death wish would indeed elevate him to more than the regular level, I wonder what it takes to get elevated then???? Pretty scary.

By phoenix2009• 28 Dec 2009 08:53

mmyke, kindly try not show yourself as an over civilized person when debating with others.

living in a peaceful nation doesn't necessarily make people superior, nor does living in a war zone make them inferior.

it's individual effort that counts.

if dotcom see that nations that you represent somehow are killing innocent civilian, i believe you owe him to either condemn killing of civilians or condone it for the cause.

dotcom, kindly stop using swearing words, there was a saying that men only swear when their brain is empty of ideas.

today i heard that the bomber hasn't reveal yet everything he knows, ofcourse by using proper investigation means he'll do eventually, but they are sure he was trained in Yemen, in al qaeida base, that they want to know location.


By mmyke• 28 Dec 2009 07:18

Ol' Bin Laden might have started it, but geopolitics will finish it....and these countries have been completely messed up since time began, so whats the difference??

Is sitting on your honches, abusing and being abused, wiping your bum with your hand,,,being totally uneducated and living in a mud house, being miserable and mean to everyone including yourself,,,are things qualitatively different from living in a war zone?

The kids are going to grow up to more of the same anyway, right??

Or, do we try to turn them into productive human beings living on this planet where the year is 2010 AD instead of 2010 BC?

By AJEJosh• 28 Dec 2009 02:00

Bisyaar tashakoor for your kind (and misinformed) info

By anonymous• 28 Dec 2009 01:56

for your kind info, Aljazeera has the whole sole interest for showing fake video's of Bin Laden.

I'm wonder, either the Bin Laden is the fan of Aljazeera ,or Aljazeera has the most powerful resources to dig out those shitty videos.


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

By AJEJosh• 28 Dec 2009 01:55

Two wrongs don't make a right..

By anonymous• 28 Dec 2009 01:45

why don't you condemned those bastards who are killing innocent men, women and children in Iraq & Afghanistan.

and those who killed innocent ppl in Palestine a couple of days ago???

for 3000 how much do u need more to balance???


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

By mmyke• 27 Dec 2009 21:15

if it was special holy water or something,,,but it was an unbelieveable breach of something...

By mmyke• 27 Dec 2009 21:14
Rating: 3/5

I went to Odessa return,,,,4 screenings getting there and 5 back,,,2 fistfights between Muslims and aircrew trying to bring liquids on,,the last fight was in Istanbul with someone trying to get 10 litre on for some reason as carry luggage,,a 10 MINUTE FIGHT,,the guy laying on the floor screaming and crying,,,and Turkish Airlines let the GUY FLY afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am in the process of writingthe President of the airlines now,,,


By britexpat• 27 Dec 2009 21:09

He was on the threats list, but not on the "no fly" list.. Yes, an oversight on the part of the security services.

The sad thing is that this act will now heap more misery on travellers..

By mmyke• 27 Dec 2009 21:07

but if he presents his silly buttons to be pushed like that, then let him learn how to stew in his own juices,,,

we all know that this world is about,,,,,

the sooner people learn that they can individually assist things to get better, the better.

By phoenix2009• 27 Dec 2009 20:53

mmyke, afghanistan is the first choice on QL profile setting, so he might and might not be from there, might be just too reluctant to click on his right country.

brit, thousnads of suspects whom fathers visit the u s embassy and inform about their son suspicious liaisons?


By britexpat• 27 Dec 2009 20:45

The authorities have thousands of "suspects" on file.. It si not always easy to categorize them into risks..

By mmyke• 27 Dec 2009 20:41

your profile says that you are from Afghanistan,,,Your country is ranked, I believe second from the bottom in all the world....

You may have something to overcome before anyone listens to your point of view.

I don't know for certain, but there may be an issue there.

By mmyke• 27 Dec 2009 20:34

you have been instigating all sorts of bad things onhere for quite a while,,

please go away! you do not know what you are talking about.

By anonymous• 27 Dec 2009 20:24


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

By mmyke• 27 Dec 2009 20:07

shut it down to all who have Muslim names....Fortress North America,,,,its coming now,,,at least in Canada we don't deal with this stupidity too often,,,,too cold for those folks, and too civilized .

By stealth• 27 Dec 2009 19:49

CIA is inept. I believe almost all the intelligence agencies are inept.

By phoenix2009• 27 Dec 2009 19:41

mintus, come on man, it's his Father, it's not someone passing by to waste his time,

if the father of your friend told you that, wouldn't you suspect him(friend)??


By Ice Maiden• 27 Dec 2009 19:37
Ice Maiden

It must beeen hard for the Dad, but he did what was right.

The officials were inefficient but thankfully a tragedy was averted.

By mintus• 27 Dec 2009 19:30
Rating: 4/5

Well they caught the Idiot in the End. In these troubled times the Security Agencies all over the world are trying to look after us all,but unfortunately resouces are finite. Yeah his Father says he warned them the below explains itself.

Abdulmutallab's father went to the embassy in Abuja with his concerns, but did not have any specific information that would put him on the "no-fly list" or on the list for additional security checks at the airport.

Every report with Non Specific Information cannot be acted upon.

By phoenix2009• 27 Dec 2009 19:18

thank you eve


By Eve• 27 Dec 2009 18:54

Actually in America they do scrutinize everyone with an Arabic name I should know I have one and every time I fly I am put through triple security. But maybe you don't have the same problem. Since in this case they were warned ahead of time, I still say inept.

By phoenix2009• 27 Dec 2009 18:48

it's not inept, i agree with you mmyke, but Obama instructed yesterday for taking higher security measures at the borders, this tells something!

i believe that in national vacations usa should expect to receive some gifts from al qaeida so they should've done something about that man.

tell me myke, what's more important for americans? to keep their country's image bright to the visitors or to keep their country secured?

in Qatar and most GCC, anyone who causes the slight hindrence to the security is immediatly deported, did this cause any harm to the image of the GCC? or let's say "any additional" harm?


By anonymous• 27 Dec 2009 18:39

they are doing it for long time.


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

By mmyke• 27 Dec 2009 17:34

it is not inept.

There are millions of people thatpass through the US every month...and the laws and traditions that the west has for indivdual liberty and sanctity have effect,,,its a balancing act....as opposed to other totalitarian and dictatorial regimes and traditions...

They could bar everyone with a muslim name,,,,that would take care of 99.9% of the attackers...would you like that??

Be real.

By phoenix2009• 27 Dec 2009 17:30

t said it's a new technology that the dutch airport authority couldn't track! i don't know but i smell a rat here, something to do with blaming the new technology other than trying to strengthen the security which would cost millions.


By Eve• 27 Dec 2009 16:51

Sad after the history learned of 9/11 the US is still not prepared to avert a tragedy, I guess they don't realize what another plane explosion would do to the economy not to mention the loss of life. Such ineptness.

By mmyke• 27 Dec 2009 16:17

which is bigger than any religion.

By GodFather.• 27 Dec 2009 14:23

I gues the authorities where waiting for him to catch him the act. But the authorities where late on this, lucky that the explosive did not go off properly otherwise it would have been another mass murder of the innocent.



Derek Edward Trotter

By anonymous• 27 Dec 2009 14:21

A true muslim.....a true christian.........a true Hindu knows that innocent people should be protected.......those who believe otherwise are bastards who can sell their own mother for money.

If you have a bastard in your house, you must report him........We all owe it to humanity and our religion.........he should be awarded the true muslim of the year award.

Are you nuts?......no doubt I am crazy about you!

By mmyke• 27 Dec 2009 12:36

and PM gets booted off QL because she stated something that was see as being controversial, and you are able to state absolute silliness,,,,so what's fair?

By phoenix2009• 27 Dec 2009 12:04

dotcom, muslims should have known the "game" by know and should stand for their reputation and strat a reverse propaganda, this father should be named father of the year. where is the muslims media? why nobody is interviewing this man??? where is Al jazeera when it's needed most?


By anonymous• 27 Dec 2009 11:56

the 9/11 hijacker were trained, funded, boarded, get enter into planes, all inside in Iraq and Afghanistan?

All these are excuses for these civilized bastards to promote their crusade agenda, and to put the Muslims down.


A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc

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