Fast Facts on Islam

By luvtodrive •
Eid al-Fitr - Festival of Breaking the Fast
Hijra - week long; begins 1 Muharram
Eid al-Adha - Festival of Sacrifice
2. Daily prayer (salat)
3. Alms tax (zakat)
4. Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj)
5. Fasting during Ramadan (sawm)
1. Ali
2. Al-Hasan
3. al-Husain
4. Ali Zayn al-Abidin
5. Muhammad al-Baqir
6. Ja'far al-Sadiq
7. Musa al-Kazim
8. Ali al-Rida
9. Muhammad al-Taqi
10. Ali al-Naqi
11. al-Hasan al-Askari
12. Muhammad al-Mahdi
The Opening The Heifer Al-'Imran The Women The Table Spread The Cattle The Heights The Spoils of War Repentance Yunus Hud Yusuf The Thunder Ibrahim The Rocky Tract The Bee The Israelites The Cave Maryam Ta Ha The Prophets The Pilgrimage The Believers The Light The Criterion The Poets The Ants The Narration The Spider |
The Roman Empire The Wise Adoration The Confederates The City of Saba The Originator of Creation Yasin The Rangers Suad The Companions The Believer Ha Mim The Counsel Ornaments of Gold The Smoke The Kneeling The Sandhills Muhammad The Victory The Chambers Qaf The Scatterers The Mountain The Star The Moon The Beneficent The Event The Iron She Who Pleaded |
The Banishment The Examined One The Ranks The Congregation The Hypocrites The Mutual Deceit The Divorce The Prohibition The Kingdom The Pen The Inevitable The Ways of Ascent Noah The Jinn The Wrapped Up The Covered One The Resurrection Time The Sent Forth The Great Event The Draggers He Frowned The Folded Up The Cleaving The Deceivers in Measuring The Rending Asunder The Celestial Stations The Nightly Visitant The Most High The Overwhelming Calamity |
The Daybreak The City The Sun The Night The Brightness The Expansion The Fig The Clot The Grandeur The Clear Evidence The Quaking The Chargers The Calamity Vying in Abundance The Age The Slanderer The Elephant The Qureaish Alms The Abundance of Good The Disbelievers The Help The Flame The Unity The Dawn The People |
what wrong with your eyes cant you come the other day and sleep whole day.
stop eating fish eye lady.
night Novi
well ... since you hintin of sending me to bed i am going to bed. Good nite DaRuDe ... and good nite Nadt
See u later guys in few hours Lol ...
such a big farm do i still need to find a place to play badminton
right now look backward at bedroom door there is your bed go sleep :P
too many days in dhow trip damn how hot is that day going to be me will take my umbrella with me. or i will turn all red cooked up
Da... where do you play badminton?
interesting facts
Nah novi and i here to support you DaRuDe...
Da ... i look forward for your trip now ...
i am better a bowling and cricket thats all and hell yea badminton too any one for a challenge :D
winner gets a prize :D
what are you guys fishing here on QL at midnight :D just like a municipality water tanker watering the road side plants you both checking all QL whole night :D
lol Nadt ... you dare to tease Wolfie eh?
You lost all 6 games!!!!! Gee you really are good arent you...
Came to QL to sulk? Better stick to bowling then hey
Da ... u should go to sleep then lol.
hi nadt ... my mum will be here about 4 weeks. She have to renew her visit visa after 2 weeks, that allow her to stay for another 2 weeks. After that she have to leave the country if she want to extend again. But i am sure by then she have enough of me lol.
Da ... what are yourself doing this late?
me went out for few game of snooker with my friend and guess what i lost all the 6 games got ahsmaed of my self and left him aloen and came back :D
lol DaRuDe...very true...problem is i love this time off night..Im a night owl....and novi is on holidays now..
And what are you doing up????
sleepless souls go sleep :/
Wow thats great news, yes your right i remember when my folks came for three weeks the kids were glued to them, give you a break.
How long she staying, you must be very happy...Oh how i miss my parents...
well ... i will let u know wether it is good news or bad news. Might not be too bad this time, my mum arrived this morning, so my son can pestering her instead of me for a change. Lol.
Lol..ask away anytime dear, we wont bite regardless of whether we agree or not, its ok to be different in beliefs.
Ahh so is it school holidays that good news or bads news apart form drop/pick ups?lol...........
nadt ... no school drop off till the 6th ... Wooohooo....
i see Nadt ... i dont normally dare to argue about religion with others. But i guess i can ask you / Eco anything. You guys wont bite my head off lol.
your up late tonight school drop off tomm for you..yay...
Well true the more you go to hajj the more blessed you are but only provided you can afford to do so from your own money and you musnt have debts...
eco ... so may i ask according to quran what is the right amount of visit to go to hajj to fulfill 5 pillar of islam? Dont u think once is enough?
My boss being non muslim reminds him, its not fair and your haj wont be accepted and advises him to donate that amount to poor ppl who can then afford haj
thats the thing Nadt ... i always hear this perticular working mate quarrelled with other staffs because of this matter. She is in her 60s ... and somehow she think the more often you go to mecca you will be blessed more ? (i dont know how to word it) Eventhough you made debt left, right and centre.
well thats a stupid thing to do..As theres no need to loan money to go to hajj..Infact paying her debts to people would be a priority first and then hajj..Some people really miss the point..
hi nadt and eco ... thank you for enlightened me. The reason i asked because i remember one of my working mate keep racking debt for going to hajj. She been to mecca like 3 or 4 times ... but all her friends complaining she never pay her debt ... What do u think about that? only have to do hajj if you are financially able to do so....if you cant afford it.. then its not obligatory. You thinking of going to hajj
Same with fasting if you have a health condition that prevents you from being able to fast, then you are also exempt and if you can afford it, you have to pay money to feed a poor person for a day fro the whole duration of ramadan...
obligatory only for those who are physically and financially sound
Five Pillars
1. Confession of faith (shahada)
2. Daily prayer (salat)
3. Alms tax (zakat)
4. Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj)
5. Fasting during Ramadan (sawm) ----> What happen as a muslim if you cant do number 4 because of financial reason?
for sharing
ahn ... :)
Justice delayed , is the justice denied !!
believe in Stars and crescents.
These symbols were created by Turkey, since then all muslims carry them gracefully. Again we are imitating Christians they had their CROSS as symbol we got our own logo with stars and moon
Luvtodrive do you know because of this symbol Crescent non muslims always
think we have Moon God. If you google moon God plenty of study material is available.
What does Seveners, Twelvers and Twelve Imams have to do with this?
Good Info adn thanks,
I think it means the strict belief of one god....
hey please tell me what is this ... ??
"type of theism strict monotheism "
Justice delayed , is the justice denied !!