Dying of thirst......

Palestinians are dying of thirst according to Amnesty International Organization.
Palestinians are dying of thirst according to Amnesty International Organization.
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why exactly can't people find their own expletives.......
Yes, the contrast in water availability and usage is absolutely criminal. If you'd ever seen a Beverly Hills-style settlement with swimming pools next to a Palestinian village with no running water it just makes your blood boil. The Israelis will explain it as a matter of initiatve on their part, the Palestinians know that their water has been stolen.
Your heading is miss leading . the real heading is Israel rations Palestinians to trickle of water,,, stop making it something it is not...
“Oh....just fark off...please"
hmm wt cn v doo?:(
“Oh....just fark off...please"
Billions of aid pouring in and why is it that the poor people can't seem to be benefitting?
Damn the politicians everywhere ...
They should have create their own water resource within their own territory instead of sourcing for it through israel