the DRAMA of the Mystery SHIP Continues.
Is there any Israeli connection in the still unsolved MV FAINA piracy crisis off the Somali coast at Hobyo? Are there further scenarios to use the ongoing humanitarian, environmental, political and military crisis in order to trigger spectacular developments in the Horn of Africa area? Is this crisis machinated in order to bring the total end of Somalia´s existence as a national, unitary state?
An Anti-Israeli fever has been noticed these last days in Yemen, the foreign country with the longest and strongest involvement, interest and commitment in Somalia. The Yemenite allegations may be to some extent relevant to traditional ´fear´ of Israel, but there are some undeniable facts.
In an insightful background of the MV FAINA piracy crisis, Ecoterra states the following:
"Nyna Karpachyova, the Ukrainian parliament's human rights ombudsman, said that the real owner of the weapon-ship is an Israeli citizen with the name Vadim Alperin (alias Vadim Oltrena). It is extremely rare for ships to be registered to individual investors such as Mr Alperin. Vadim Alperin was further investigated to have acquired this ship from a Russian state auction during the era of Boris Yeltsin. The ship was refurbished and later conveniently registered to fly the Belize flag. Other ships by the same owner where found to be operating as casinos including one based in the Gulf to entertain rich Arab clients. Vadim Alperin was once quoted to be a "Mossad brother" running a number of clandestine front companies including one Kenyan Meat export company enjoying "good trade" with middle eastern countries, but covertly used for gathering intelligence from countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia".
The Story continues at:
and i wonder what was the motives of Kenya who claimed to be the owner of the weapons while pirates found the sign "GOSS" on the weapons which is a short form of Government Of South Sudan. Mystery.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi