Do you know who is Malek Jandali??

Arab American composer and pianist, Malek Jandali, has been composing for more than 15 years. Lately, he has been greatly inspired by the folk and ancient music of Syria. Following an early career as a classical pianist as well as a composer for television and multimedia, he went into a period of musical isolation until he produced his new album “Echoes from Ugarit”. Jandali is the only Syrian and the first Arab composer to arrange the oldest music notation in the world. He has attracted increasing attention across Europe, the Middle East, and the U.S. as a performer and composer.
Jandali left Syria at the age of 19 when he received a full scholarship to pursue advanced music studies in the United States. “After more than 15 years, I felt the need to come back to my roots, my heritage and our rich civilization. I wanted to share all that with the people here in the States, to present a positive image and build a musical bridge between our cultures,” he said.
Reaching back into ancient history, it is clear that music and musical instruments were important in all civilizations. Mesopotamian music was no exception. Jandali undertook extensive research and studied the music transcription. He then arranged the music for piano. A few years later, he took the work to the next level and utilized his orchestration and composition techniques to include the orchestra and add harmony. He achieved the first piano and orchestral arrangement of the oldest music notation in the world! He decided to name his new album “Echoes from Ugarit” in order to tell the world that Ugarit, Syria is the birthplace of music and harmony.
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please listen to The Oldest Music Notation In History:
Echoes from Ugarit
I am afraid that it predates youtube so I am not sure... I will try to look and let you know :)
Great to know that
thanks for your words...
but do you have a link from youtube???
otherwise i have to do it in the hard way. :D
i knew that listening to The Oldest Music Notation In History is something that is why my topic was about the Pianist because he will be forgotten sooner or later.
It is really fantastic that you brought this subject here.
If you like him, I suggest you look up an older (early 90s) album called Nineveh (نينوى). That is based on recovered musical notes that originated in ancient Mesopotamia (بلاد الرافدين).
Some people clearly don't know what the cradle of civilization is. Don't let them put you down.
Great Post!
one shot, wow, that is really beautiful. Very interesting too.
thanks for posting it.
Actually i wanted to give attention to the oldest discovered music.
but giving some credit to the pianist is not wrong
so what??? ...everybody do mistakes some times :P
who care !! i dont ever know him at all !!!
haha u thought wrong
no i just wanted people to hear the oldest discovered music
i thought it could give attention to people who likes music .
i dont like it
so what? why u posting that?