The desi who's who in Obama administration

Proud to be an INDIAN,looks like not much of Americans with President.
Sun, Oct 24 02:12 PM
Washington, Oct 24 (IANS) A number of Indian Americans have made their mark in the Obama administration.
Rajiv Shah - USAID administrator
Aneesh Chopra - first chief technology officer
Vivek Kundra - chief information officer
Anish Goel - senior staffer of the National Security Council
Vikram Singh - senior defence advisor to Richard Holbrooke, special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
Neal Katyal - acting solicitor general
Rashad Husain - US representative to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference
Farah Pandith - US special representative to Muslim communities
Farooq Kathwari, Sunil Puri, Amardeep Singh - all three serve on the Presidential Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
Preet Bharara - US attorney for New York
Preeta Bansal - senior policy advisor in the Office of Management and Budget
Subra Suresh - director of the National Science Foundation
Arun Majumdar - director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy in the US Department of Energy.
I've even seen in the news channels that OBAMA is fond of Indian culture..Obama even keeps the small statue of LORD HANUMAN(HINDU GOD)in his pocket..I haven't seen him keeping it though(lol)but heard it in media..i don't know how far is it true..
stii as an Indian we have to be pround of Indian top in American govt.
It dosent mean they get their dabba or eat phillipino food,salaries on par with Americans still they are called n known as Indians
They dunno what they're missing :-(... the p-adobo, pancit canton etc.. :-P
they don't eat at the WH! Lol! Hehehehehehe!!!
I bet they bring their own "dabba" (lunch box) from home :-))
Apparently, Obama has British Marmalade on his toast...:O)
Filipino foods? Lol!
You're right about that one! ;-)
Didn't Kal Penn take a break from acting to join the Obama administration too???
Elegance...these are Indian Americans, more than likely they will have been born and brought up in America with American accents and their pay will be no different to white Americans...not all countries base the salaries on colour!
The Americans with their "hot butter in the mouth" accent cannot handle the accents or culture difference when it comes to dealing with issues in Asia and Middle East. And outsourcing costs lesser obviously! Interested in knowing the pay scale too.....
does it make any difference to the common man. Grow up guys.