DAGOC - Men not allowed on feminine sport events????
This must be a joke, and I really hope it is not true. Only women will be allowed on female sport events. Like gymnastics, volleyball and basketball, swimming etc. I mean I understand this is an islamic nation, and all - but this is an international event, and they cannot impose their requirements on the whole world.
What about those who bought the tickets? Will they be barred from entering? What about reporters? I mean if this is serious, Qatar will damage its reputation forever.
You guys are funny. People commented earlier in the post about going to the events to watch but also to see the sights male and female. Yes and the comments were about watching the other sex not for their athletic prowess :-)
Act your age not your shoe size
Loki if that what you think then yes. I said look at wife I did not place context on it. You said sexual
Act your age not your shoe size
qd06 - so you are saying that you not capable of looking at a female in anything but a sexual manner....?
How could this thread be dead?? Its moved on from Asian Games to Segregation of sexes. I was waiting for a few suggestions from bbk on flights. Its really terrible the way things get mixed up there and people are looking "at others siblings" and those pretty air-hostesses "in a sexual way".
Can we have some "double-decker" or something in flights?? It would be great if we have "all-female" flights with a "all-male" flight following it, bbk? All male flights shall have brouchures without female models. Only males and Camels shall be featured on them. Even young children should not be shown (Who knows what people's intention may be against someone's siblings)
It sounds like a "tribal" argument that "women are only meant for one thing and shall only be seen in that context". Atleast thats the impression coming out of this discussion. Can we not just appreciate the "sports" part of it and "respect" the "sports-person" (male or female)for what he/she is doing without bringing "sex" into it.
What about Jello wrestling? Ohhh my bad that would be wasting food.
Butterfly the comments earlier were being sarcastic since she threw something about chickens and cats as a reply to my post. Notice a women refered to women as chickens.
Everyone is constantly blasting bbk for his viewpoints. His viewpoints are his even if people don't agree with them. A lot of what he says is actually good. In the states even though I have a car and can afford to drive it everyday. I ride the bus to 1.) get more sleep 2.) read more 3.) save gas money 4.) plus I help the environment. I am not going to watch the women events because its my choice. My choice is to look at my beautiful wife not someone elses wife or daughter.
Act your age not your shoe size
Sammie1571 Everybody is allowed to watch EVERY sport!!!
Cool! Is women mud wrestling in the games program? ;)
Everybody is allowed to watch EVERY sport!!! Sorry to end this thread!
And no Qatari ever raped a maid, either. No there are no sexual crimes among Qataris. LOOOL
Looks like you haven't opened a newspaper for a long time. Sexual crimes are reported amongst qataries and expats almost on a weekly basis!
Man...Good moring?!?!
Here,visit this
Or maybe it was articulated in Peninsula? Q-Tribune? Al-sharq or Watan? I don't understand Arabic n'ways. What local papers Racer? pls let me know. Tnx
I read Gulf times daily since long time, And I like reading those legal systems and Court stories... but never read any stories 'bout Qatari Molesting Child, maybe w/ adults?
Yes! there was once I read about an Arab nationality being accused of Child Molesting but not a Qatari, if I'm not mistaken he's an Egyptian (Sorry for the Egyptian brothers in this forum didn't mean to hurt anyone) but still it has to be prove, maybe true? maybe not?
Would you like me to cut and paste all of the Child Molesting stories on local men and young boys that star in the local paper at least once a week....
There are no sexual crimes amongst Qataris. Unfortunately these are things that you, as an expat, cant tap into. You can blame us for a lot of things, and u usually do, but not that.
I can't understand much of what this bablering about chickens and lambs is all about...
I hope you realise that men and women are not like chickens that need to be hidden away from cats, we have minds of our own and are perfectly capable of protecting ourselves from "predators" without the need to be separated, covered or hidden.
I believe interaction between sexes actually decreases sexually motivated crimes. Do you think there is no sexual crimes here or in places such as Pakistan or Saudi?
I like mines baked with a little spice and covered to roast slowly. The meat is so tender and juicy. Not dried and crunchy.
Ok what about lamb. I like lamb also. So what is a lamb, Mulie? Bajesus a lot of people now days like to forget about human nature because we are so intelligent when we actually act like animals with our desires sometimes. Sometimes people worry more about the outside than the inside- especially us roosters.
"HELP HELP I'm being repressed!" The Holy Grail
Mulie much love and respect for your opinions also.
Maaan, I kinda wish we never hosted the Games!
*shhhhhh, I can’t wait till its over .LOL !!
i love chicken, chicken should never be covered or it will spoil, mmmmmm fried chicken my favorite,mmmmmmmmm
:-)All the chickens I knew growing up knew to hide behind the rooster or go in the coop when the cat came. The ones that did not became lunch :-). A little country wisdom.
Act your age not your shoe size
Thank you ladies & gentlemen. We all could try to be patient. We could guard our own tongues.
Thank you for your points of view.
Oh yes QD I see what you are saying. A women is like a piece of chicken, if you leave it uncovered in the backyard all the cats will come around and have a taste and that ruins the chicken, chicken should be covered and in the house where it is safe.
Fantastic attitude.
bbksiu, I’m sorry for the lack of respect you are getting by some of the members..
..No matter how much someone disagrees with someone, it’s aint by whatever means an excuse to treat them like that. bbksiu, you’ve been so patient .I admire you for thaat!
Give him a break, people!
To some extent I agree with you..only I don’t agree with the means and the special circumstances (say, of an international event..)
qp06, yes yessssssss I agree with you 100%. I do see the picture. I like the way you think :-) makes a great deal of logic to me.
*I can’t follow up with everything here..I’m a bit busy with exams :-(
I don't get the picture at all! :-S
OK I am going to throw my two cents in. Men and women can be friends. Its been proven when either one of them is homosexual or when one is totally not interested in the other one. Otherwise it leads to complications or friends with benefits situations. These type of relationships are like playing house when you were little, somebody usually gets tired and goes home ending the game.
A lot of people try too pretend like thats no problem but all the TVs show is the glitz and the glamour. They never show the hurt or pain or the baggage that a lot of people carry from these relationships. We can rationalize a lot of things as human beings but honestly things rarely work the way we rationalize them. We think we know more and are smarter than the people who came before us especially now days with the advances in medicine and technology. In actuality we are not because they would never get into some of the crazy situations we get into.
If a man flirts and plays with a lot of women he is seen as a player if a woman does the same she is seen as a whre. Do we change the viewpoint of society to allow women to do the same? Or do we just say this is wrong and try to change the man to limit the effects on society. We get shocked at the news about sexual predators or rapes but who are these men and now in some countries women. This will not totally stop these things but why take a crackhead(cocaine addict) to a crackhouse and tell him not to smoke crack cocaine. Who was that crackhead before? A person who tried it just for fun the first time and rationalized like many of us, it won't affect me I can stop when I want.
Strong scenario but I hope you get the picture.
Shut up and go eat your dates!! :-P
"I did not mean cutting the relations between men & women.
We do not need to separate men & women like that.
A man can marry a woman.
A woman can have male children.
A man can have female children.
A woman can have a male parent.
A man can have a female parent.
A man can have female grandparents.
A woman can have male grandparents.
A man can have aunts (mother's sisters & father's sisters)
A woman can have uncles (father's brothers & mother's brothers)
In a Muslim country what you do not need to have is......."
What about a woman can have a man for a boss
or a man can have a woman as a boss,
or a woman can have a man as a teacher
or a man can have a woman as a teacher
Or a man can have a woman as a friend
or a woman can have a man as a friend
There are many many ways the men and women can interact that do not mean sex. And if the relationship between a man and a woman is a sexual one, who are you to judge? Just because you aren't having sex doesn't mean you have the right to stop other people.
the double decker double articulated bus might be a trailer instead of a bus. It shall be made In-Sha-Allah by the "Qatari Factori for Auto's Frames"
bajesus you will enjoy riding it alone or with your family becuase single men have their own areas, & families have their own areas.
5ara fee wayhek bbk....fashalt nafsik yal3'abee!! LOOOOOOOL bafga3 min il6'i7ik!!!
In Qatar eat dates, clean your teeth with Arak teeth stick, drink a lot of water, phone your parents overseaes,
I did not mean cutting the relations between men & women.
We do not need to separate men & women like that.
A man can marry a woman.
A woman can have male children.
A man can have female children.
A woman can have a male parent.
A man can have a female parent.
A man can have female grandparents.
A woman can have male grandparents.
A man can have aunts (mother's sisters & father's sisters)
A woman can have uncles (father's brothers & mother's brothers)
In a Muslim country what you do not need to have is.......
If we had double deckered double articulated buses this would not have happened!! :-P
Well obviously they have built a womens stadium and mens stadium. Right there with those women's and men's buses right bbskiu.
From the sounds of it I think you're a little gay. What guy in his straight guy doesn't want to see women??
This is getting too funny!
richard, too much freedom of expression loool something must be done quickly loooooooool :-D *liking it!!*
OMG richard I wanna stop laughing! I wannnna!
How about building a wall and separating the country into male and female sides? We can make a public tender with international participation.
Let's invite China (The Great Wall), Russia (Berlin Wall), Roger Waters (The Wall), Wally (if we find him) and bbksiu (off the wall).
There is far too much freedom of expression in this country. There is also too much interaction between the sexes. Something must be done quickly before things get out of hand. Unless something is done soon, Qatar is in danger of having a positive birth rate.
Sounds brilliant. Lets build two different cities, women's town and men's town and put a the gay activities brigate everywhere to censor homosexuality.
Thank you all. We can separate between men & women if there is no need for men & women to be in co-ed places, & that we have money to design places for men & places for women. We do not need to worry about homosexual behavior because we could censor it by security staff.
Everybody is responsible for his own actions, belifs.
If you taught somebody something, you are responsible for that somebody's actins, belifs. Yet, that somebody is still responsible for his own action.
Not a rocket science, is not it!!!
No, I was damn seriuos. I was told that when I was purchasing tickets!
I have to say that Terra gave the game away at the start by saying it must be a joke, but bbk responded well and allowed me a bit of wild fantasies..opposite sex looking at others in a certain way can be extended to all walks of life...Male petrol station staff being viewed by female drivers, female receptionists and sales women..I think segregation is filled with possibilities...and this advice about knowing the law before travelling is great advice!! keep it up bbk!!
How do we segregate on forums??
Thumbs up for B'fly, brilliant!
I just called over to the 15th Asian Games ticketing hotline (+974.448.1212), and they told me that all ticket holding spectators will be welcomed into every sporting event. They also told me that they have no policy of only selling tickets to men for men’s events or visa versa and that all spectators are welcome to watch any event they select to attend.
I have every intention of going and checking out both the male and female events. And if I see someone who is attractive I'm going to oogle them. Don't really see how this hurts the people around me or the athletes themselves.
yeaaaah let them ban it alllll!!
Brilliant, terramax :-D
Even more... some male sportsmen will be looked at in a sexual way by male spectators. And female by female. Why don't they just ban it all? ;-)
I love to watch male gymnastic... Although I do look at them in a sexual way and I do care about how big their muscles are!!!!! AND, my knees shake uncontrollably everytime I see T Henri playing. So I can safely assume that some of the ladies in the sporting events will be looked at in a sexual way by some of the male spectators. It's only natural.
Does that mean that you must ban all male viewers from female sporting events? NOOOOOOOO, let them watch.
It can't be true :-) I don't think so..
In the shopping festival there were women dancing funny and men were watching for free lol can't compare..
I don't think it's true. Though I don't disagree with it LOL ;-)
It's logical that this is an international event so they can't impose such rules.. Do they have the right to make such changes? I don't think so.
It' doesn't have anything to do with religion, sex, laws or alcohol sale. It is sports.
if you have seen, a car can hit the only tree on a desert,u won't be surprise.
if u have seen a 4x4 can drive into the inland sea at 10km/h, don't be surprised.
if u have seen a landcruise can drive into the ONLY pot hole meant for the street lamp post installation. don't be surprised.
if u have seen a pickup can ramped into a huge bus on the friday morning at a deserted road.
if there is another landcruiser trying to overtake u on a well jam packed congested road. what else cannot happen here???
what else cannot happen in this world???????
Dear all,
I did not want to insult others. I did not want anybody to call me .... . Thanks to everybody who understood.
In many "Muslims" countries sometimes they don't practice Islam. However, they might suddenly try to practice Islam. For example, maybe they will no longer let alcohol consumption legal.
The best thing to do is to know about Islamic laws prior to travelling to a Muslim land. You can visit www.islamweb.net or www.islamonline.net
This has to be a joke. They couldn't possibly even consider such a thing.
The OCA would be on their backs immediately.
The marathon? Come on, be realistic!
Is there no mixed badminton doubles?
I wasn't being nasty, I was being honest. I'm hardly the only one who thinks that but I'm the only one who chose to say it.
"maybe we can treat others the way we want them to treat us. For example, maybe we don't want others to look at our siblings in a sexual way...and viceversa"
with all my respect to u, these athletes are aware that they're joining an international competetion! so then, they're aware that both males & females audiences are there to watched them globally? As a lady, if I dont want anybody to look at me in a sexual way, then I'll wear descent one either not to join this kind of compete? e.i. gymnastics, swimming, etc.
But I don't think all males audience are going there to watched their body curves??? It's just plainly unfair for those who wants to watch & enjoy the games. Huh! I'd love to watch male gymnastic and I don't care how big their muscles are??????what do ya think butterfly?
being nasty to BBK.
I think he's brilliant!
BBK, I don't mind others looking at my brother in a sexual way, think he would be quite happy about it!
Do you see any warning signs, when they decide to close one more road? You have to get there to see it closed. Same here, they might just impose it on everyone as a matter of fact.
And it has nothing to do with sexual behaviour. It is SPORTS, competition, for someone who didn't get it yet.
Do you see any warning signs, when they decide to close one more road? You have to get there to see it closed. Same here, they might just impose it on everyone as a matter of fact.
And it has nothing to do with sexual behaviour. It is SPORTS, competition, for someone who didn't get it yet.
You're an idiot! o_o u asked for it.
Dear all,
Maybe we can treat others the way we want them to treat us. For example, maybe we don't want others to look at our siblings in a sexual way; thus, we won't look at others' siblings in a sexual way.
Maybe we need to be honest.
relax guys i didn't see any warning note on the official web page !
Rubbish. Last year at the West Asian Games arab women swam and dived (at a competition i.e.) for the first time. No restrictions on men watching or photographing. I worked with a major contractor for DAGOC and many a times I've walked behind the partition boards (at Hamad Aquatic) alongside arab girls in normal swimgear. And, I have to tell ya the Syrians were HOTTT! ;-)
Men watching men and women watching women!
Sounds a bit homo to me!
This is total crap. I'm going to watch the women, ok?
Could, schmould. We are not talking about what might happen in some other fairytale world, we are discussing the *real* rules for this *real* event.
They are not going to close competitions. It's not a Qatari event, it's an international event - one which just happens to be hosted by Qatar this time - that is ultimately run by/under the umbrella of the Olympic Committee. I am sure Qatar had to agree to hold the event as per international standards in order to even get the Games - and those standards do not include discriminating against certain spectators at certain events.
If anyone does know the rules for sure, I'd love to hear. I can ask a friend, but not until next week.
Maybe females could attend females competitions, & males attend males competitions.
If they did not annouce that earlier, they could give people thier money back. They could also offer prizes & gifts to make people not sad.
.... so therefore the competitions should be closed, is that your logic?
Dear All,
There are men who would attend competitions to look at female bodies.:(:(
Qatar is under construction. Also, many men left their countries to work in Qatar. Many of them are in a sad situation.:(:(
Well, I am extremely sceptical, to say the least.
*IF* they were going to implement such a policy, they would have had to made it very clear at the point of sale of tickets.
Edited for clarity: By my second para I meant, they would have announced such a policy publicly (and therefore we would all know about it!) and prevented people from buying the tickets in the first place - there is no way they would sell tickets then turn people (males) away at the door.
Actually the news are from the horse mouth. I was told this when I was buying tickets. Independently a person who works for Asian Games at VIP reception confirmed me this. She even said that to some events only female reporters will be allowed, and some competitions will not be aired in Qatar.
Again, I hope it is not true, because nothing was announced nowhere, but so far it sounds convincing enough.
LOL!!, from where you get that kind of rubbish news... Mens were allowed to watch ladies swimming during west asian games (I was one of the spectator). This 15th asian games event is a lot bigger than previus one so for sure we'll be able to see it.
That's total rubbish.
Yes, I would also be very interested to know your source of this information. I can't believe this will possibly/seriously be implemented.
This is news to me... where did you hear this?