Congress set hearings on Muslim rights

Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.) announced Tuesday that he will hold Congress' first-ever hearing on the civil rights of American Muslims next week. The hearing comes a little more than two weeks after a Republican in Congress made headlines by holding a controversial hearing on the radicalization of Muslim Americans.
The release announcing the hearing said it is in response to the "pike in anti-Muslim bigotry in the last year including Quran burnings, restrictions on mosque construction, hate crimes, hate speech, and other forms of discrimination."
Sounds very enlightened and even-handed to me, and it counters a lot of the bashing on QL over the earlier hearings by Congress. I wonder if the so-called Muslim countries that routinely persecuted religious minorities as matter of custom and law will do the same? Some how I doubt it. I say good for the USA.
Ah , I see. Well, of course all citizens of a country must have the same rights, no doubt.
Now, I think in some countries there have been cases of misuse of those rights because those rights may have been abused by some. Of course, that does not warrant to deny those rights to any. It may be a good idea to make sure that abuse of rights, by either party can not happen anymore. Of course, to achieve that, one must identify and tackle those abuses.
The OP and article don't say anything about special "Muslim rights", nomerci.
It's about civil rights for all and anti-discrimination.
It's about awareness.
There are some in the the US that need a reminder that religious freedom was the very basis for the founding of the United States of America.
"Our Constitution protects the free exercise of religion for all Americans," Durbin said. "During the course of our history, many religions have faced intolerance. It is important for our generation to renew our founding charter's commitment to religious diversity and to protect the liberties guaranteed by our Bill of Rights."
I think you have got the wrong end of the stick here..
The hearing is to discuss the civil rights of Muslims post 9/11.
There have been cases where Muslims have been targeted by the authorities without due care of their civil rights under the consitution.
so, the hearing is do discuss this issue and perhaps ensure that Muslims have the same civil rights as the rest of the citizens.
brit, for example, the ban for face coverings in France. See, it is not only Muslims who can't cover their is everybody! The same rights for everybody!
Well, if one behaves like anyone else, one should be treated like anyone else.
It is not special rights, but the right to be treated like anyone else in society.
Muslim countries don't recognise other religions, they can't give rights to someone whose existence they don't even recognise. Its only countries who declare themselves secular that have to take care of the rights of people of every religion.
Me too interested to know what different rights are required for Muslims compared to other citizens. Civil rights should be same for all citizens.
What are "Muslim rights" ? Do they need different rights than non Muslims?
It is a good move.. At least it will lead to a better understanding of the issues being faced by Muslims today.
Should be interesting . . . I wonder who will protest this time???
You answered your own question Jervis.
I hope they come up with some reasonable solutions for stopping Anti-Muslim sentiment in the US.