Briton jumps to death from flat after fight w

DUBAI - A 26-year-old British national, George R., jumped to his death from the 32nd floor of his apartment located in the Waves Tower in Marina area in Dubai in the early hours of yesterday, police sources said.
Around 2.30am, the police received a call saying that a man was found lying in a pool of blood in the compound of the Waves Tower. The police rushed to the scene and found the body of the man who worked as an engineer in a Dubai oil company. The sources said when officials went up to his apartment, his 24-year-old girlfriend, A.M., also a British national, said George jumped from the balcony following a fight with her.
A.M. told police she knew the victim from Britain.
She said they consumed alcohol. George became drunk and asked her to have sex with him, but she refused which infuriated him. He started assaulting her and later tried to strangulate her, the police sources said. In a fit of anger, A.M. broke the television set and other household items and locked herself up in the bathroom.
George started apologising to her for his actions and threatened to jump out of the apartment if she refused to open the bathroom door.
She did not imagine he was serious and was shocked to see him lying in a pool of blood in the building compound later.
A.M. told police that George had gone into depression after his former girlfriend who lived in the UK was killed in a traffic accident a week ago. She said he started consuming alcohol during day and night because he was madly in love with his ex-girlfriend and was unable to come to terms with her tragic death.
A.M., who was detained, was released on bail upon depositing her passport with the police while the victim's body was sent to the General Department of Forensic Medicine for further investigation.
Another one to contiune: The Brits, drunkness and UAE.....
Really drinking is taking its toll on the Brits....
is make you even more depressed, well at least the guy didn't have sex and didn't live to regret it either
There are plenty of fish in the would have lived another day..:(
I feel the girl friend must've pushed him outta the window by accident and then cooked up this sob story... u never know...
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Thats Sad.....People life is not to end just like that,move on !!!
beware no drink n drive and no drink n RIDE
` c h i n g a A a l i n g `
poor guy just needed some redbull, it gives you wings.
The guy was drunk, proabaly under stress and decided to takhis own life...Happens allover the world!
now...that sucks...
why can't you guys get it..this psychosis is beyond the woman's refusal for sex..hell if i was the guy, I'd just tell the woman to F**k off and throw her outside if i was soo mad!!
but to jump for the 32th floor comeon!!
didnt give it to him all he needed to walk into any of the nightclibs in dubai. Variety is the spice of life.
And guys don't tell me her name is Ante Meridiem
I guess it depends on what she looks like. I have spent many a morning contemplating throwing myself off a tall building after glancing at the women, who only the night before, in a corona haze, looked like a hollywood starlet, lying next to me. Its during these times i pray for the mystery taxi to whisk her away
In scotland we call it "doing a munter".
lol things that people do for sex...
"If the enemy is in range, so are you." - Infantry Journal
It also gives another reason for gays to be gays.
lover guess enjoy enjoy there. the green country with green hills.
thats what the guy is.....Its like choose between sex or ending your life.... what a loser.....I know what i would choose.. I got a whole life in front of me than just one night in the sack
I still have the bloody Murano by the way.
Yeah el hamdillah..i found that highly offensive and not appropriate for public viewing..sheesh dirty people lol
ah how can i forget i know all the regular users here. and yea last time you joined QL was selling your Murano to SL which he already sold :D am fine good mate. how is life in Oman
How the hell are you chief? I am doing good, in Oman now.
Just popped on here for a quick look but didn't recognise anyone...until now.
where did you jump in from man
loooooooooooooooooong time no see pal how you doin
If he was drinking Harvey Wallbangers?
You can't teach experience
Yeah QS / prettyeyez. I hope he was banned...i was just about to direct him to
prettyeyez, his pic has been deleted along with his post! al hamdullillah!
super doc..your always expecting some strange foul play somewhere or another,
the guy died of inevitable long chronic depression, he probably had suicidal tendencies and was just using the "forgive me" as an excuse
strange, he died coz his gf won't do it!
I suspect some foul play
QS, U had to open my eyes to the dirty pic didn't you lol
i innocently thought the gurl was drinking coke..little did i know the coke bottle was symbolizing something else...yuck!!
hmm.. lost his girl friend a week back and depressed and was tring to have sex with another one at home..
lol.. all dramas .. God knows whts the truth.
you, semper, get rid of your fricking pic!
I just read the thread and was jus dyin to bash and you said this... bummer...
i put up the story just for information and...
it will not take a second for me to delete the thread if turns into any bashings....
cheerz all...
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
wow.. blood freezing stories...
what a life.. today you are here, then next moment you are lying in a pool of blood in some country, far away from your home land...
usually doesn't end well. Your comment Mr. Paul!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
dont drink so much that u dont know wat u doin.. i really dont get it wat made him jump out of flat.. his current gal or d ex gal..
Wonder who A.M really is?