British couple jailed for out-of-wedlock sex

OK,,, before you read and pass your comments let me tell you that why I am posting this news here:
Below news, I can say happens everyday in Dubai not only British but other Nationalities too, what about open prostitution market in Dubai? You will find several hotel who accommodate these prostitutes only to attract customers and their hotels/bars business runs on prostitutes only and Govt is well aware of these hotels/ furnished appts.
There are several cases of other Nationalities for consensual sex in the Court, why not bring those on to media, specially for their own Nationals.
Those all, who read UAE news regularly, don't you think there is some kind of 'Tug of War' between British and UAE media ?
I read many negative news of Dubai on British media and about Britain in UAE media.
Isn't this effecting 2 nations by giving bad image to outside world?
Here is the news:
By Bassam Za'za', Senior Reporter
Published: June 02, 2009, 14:04
Dubai: A British woman and her paramour will be spending two months in jail before getting deported after the Dubai Court of Misdemeanour found them guilty of adultery and engaging in illicit sex.
Court records said that the 44-year-old woman identified only as S.L. was with her alleged boyfriend M.J. when police arrested them last month after her husband filed a complaint that she was cheating on him.
"[M.J.] pleaded guilty to the charge of consensual sex. However, we asked the court to grant M.J. a lenient verdict considering the circumstances of the case. A divorce is under process between the woman and her husband who reported the matter to the police," said lawyer Ayman Merdas, who served as M.J.'s counsel.
She has two kids, but the bloke she slept with has four?
While filing for divorce, she had an illegal affair & let her spouse know about it because he said he was "okay" with this?!?
She deserves to be imprisoned - possibly stoned. Oh, not for adultery - for stupidity! Nationality has nothing to do with it! Good gravy...
Sheesh, what's my brother been up to this time. I'll have to have a word to him.
Mr. X returned home unexpectedly one afternoon, and found a stranger on top of his wife in bed, with his head cradled between her breasts. "What are you doing? "I'm listening to the music in this lady's chest!"
Mr. X bent over and listened. "I can't hear any music," he said.
"Of course not," said the stranger,"you're not plugged in."
hear no evil ... see no evil ... speak no evil
i agreed there, is bloody true!!!
who knows,maybe husband and wife ends up in adjacent cells! Lol!!!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
There wouldnt be enough room in the cells if they started jailing men for the same crime......
Adultery is crime in Middle East countries
Theoretically he is not a Gigolo. She only paid for his flights and board.
She admitted it.. What a stupid cow? I think it is a confession in Arabic that she never understood.
I think she is been penalised not because her sex with a bloke who is not her husband, but purely because she paid for his service's which against the normal values of the Gulf countries.
It's bad enough having prostitutes, but gigolos, Dubai will never tolerate.:)
1. do not be caught red-handed!
2. If ever caught, don't admit!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
... i heard of a wife who accused her husband for breaking her privacy coz when she was having illegal affair with her boyfriend, husband followed and caught her red handed...
She "admitted" to her wrongdoing..
I may have to go along with Bleu on this..
BritExpat caught red handed, any photos to prove that.. What position were they caughtin was it the doggie one?
All the evidents is circumstantial. They were caught coming out of a hotel. Did they have CCTV cameras in their room. Medical examinatons etc.. and the list goes on..
just don't be caught red-handed! Lol!!!!
"Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship"
It's a peatty that in certain countries privacy isn't respected.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Yes, but she was caught "red handed" or similar..
ROFLing. Because adultry never existed before yesterday.
.. we are heading towards qayamat/dooms day...
britexpat, she should be stoned to death in public.
p.s. I'm serious.
LOL brit... that's a bit harsh. :D
She cheated and should be flogged in public!
I guess they are trying to attract more tourist....the Dubai Beach hotel which was in the middle of such a scene last year did a good business just from that bit of news.
It could be a way of advertising such things are available there ....and that too on the beach.....of all
...bout uk and i dont have any issue how westerners see it, coz its their personal matters, but, as far as my country fellow's concern (not qatar) i think, cheating wife/husband should be punished... though i am not sure of mode of punishment....
Rizkz bugger :)
Ya UK, u right, its clearly evident.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
As stupid as it may sound to us that she's in jail for cheating on her husband, those are their rules and laws, they believe in them and it works for them, and if we live in these countries, we have to respect them or else. Don't try to change them, they won't. You can't expect everything to be just as it is 'back home'. If everywhere were the same, this would be a very boring world.
Serves her well...
Actually I would say this is a story about a husband using the laws to his advantage to gain custody of his kids. The fact that they're British is just a coincidence.
Arien. If they jailed every one who had sex outside of wedlock half of the Emarites and thousand of Expats would be behind jail.
This is another story of picking on Brits. To deter them from coming to Dubai?
so how many lifts hav u given to these pros..??:)
Illegal sex and imprisonment that too in Dubai?? Gosh!! ,how about the prostitues stand in a row and wave for pick ups on their roads??
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
The British people don't have the extra cash to come to Dubai any more unlike the Russians who are in Dubai in numbers, Hence they are going after the British.
Like I said before all because of the financial crisis..:)
As Gypsy said it an East vs West tug of war. Also, you have to realise that the papers leading with these stories are catering / pandering to a certain audience.
Blame it on the current financial downturn.
Obviously everything the media print is true, not hyped up for better sales and not trying to out do each other..
..does anyone actually believe everything they read in, or hear from, the media.
I believe this article is about the same situation. It gives a deeper insight to what happened.
Should we blame Alqida for that.....
wanted to exact some revenge on her personally, and it just so happened to play into the hands of the local authorities who probably like cases like this because it enables them to make an example of this situation and earn some PR points with the local Islamists who then see the government as not tolerating this immoral, western (Ha!) behavior that has become rampant in their society.
"Most plain girls are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise."
-- Maya Angelou
In the MiddleEast normally the police do not go after couples like the one mentioned above unless it becomes public knowledge then they are forced to act. Same in Qatar, still many people live together until it becomes too well known, its just ignored. Don't really think it has to do with a British - Dubai problem. It does appear to be ridiculous when so much women slavery and prostitution is going on.
So? By Western standards cheating is still not a reason to imprison someone. As I said the very concept is so foriegn it's laughable!
"Court records said that the 44-year-old woman identified only as S.L. was with her alleged boyfriend M.J. when police arrested them last month after her husband filed a complaint that she was cheating on him."
rather than consensual sex.. she was arrested on the complaint of the poor husband.
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
I think this is just a small part of a much bigger, East vs. West issue. In the West jailing people for having sex out of wedlock is the most illogical, in humane, and just plain foolish thing we've ever heard of, and in the East it's par for the course and they don't understand why we don't do it.
The UK vs. Dubai is just one example of this new clash of values.