Boycott Denmark
Reveal Our Solidarity.
At least 17 Denmark news papers have published cartoon again Gulf new paper dated 14th Feb. 08.
Can we use our freedom of expression to announce to at least 10 persons that we love prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) more than our lives? Are we going to die if we do not use products' benefiting such people? Emkay Group, which manages lulu chain of super markets, Carrefour and Dubai co operative Society already discussed to remove the products from it shelves. Can we pass this to 10 other people? see attachments
Regards, Irfan.
I post the entirity of this post because some people dont bother to click onto a link.
Seems that someone has a bad dose of blood lust!
"Salah Al-Din Brigades Spokesman on Al-Jazeera Calls on Muslims to Bomb,
Burn Down Danish Embassies and Kidnap Danish Ambassadors to Slaughter
Them at Muhammad's Tomb
Following are excerpts from a press
conference held by Abu 'Abir, spokesman for the Salah Al-Din Brigades,
the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committee, in Gaza. The
press conference aired on Al-Jazeera TV on February 18, 2008."
To view this clip, visit .
Down the Offices Of The Newspapers That Affronted Our Prophet... Bomb
Them so Body Parts Go Flying, and With These Body Parts, Allah Will
Quench the Believers' Thirst for Revenge"
Abu 'Abir: "We will
not allow them to deride our Prophet, and we will wait for no one to
take the appropriate measures in response to this crime against Islam,
the Muslims, and our Prophet. We will redeem our Prophet with our
lives. Oh servants of the cross, we have let everything you did to our
nation pass. But for your abominable deed against our Prophet, oh
hostile and infidel Denmark, you will pay a heavy price, Allah willing.
Oh Messenger of Allah, accept our apology. Denmark has spoken heresy.
in the Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades declare, in light of the
recurrence of this grave incident, which was permitted by the Jewish,
Crusader, infidel Danish authorities:
"First of all, we call
upon the Islamic nation to rise up, and not make do with a futile
economic boycott, in the face of this affront to our honorable Prophet.
We call upon them to drive out the Danish embassies and ambassadors
from the lands of the Muslims, and to expel them from the Muslim
countries. They should take serious and immediate action to burn down
the offices of the newspapers that affronted our Prophet, and to bomb
them, so that body parts go flying, and with these body parts, Allah
will quench the believers' thirst for revenge."
"Oh Nation of Islam, Oh Nation of Muhammad, Your Prophet Has Been Derided"
we call upon the Arab rulers, who are supposedly Muslim, and whose
birth certificates indicate that they are Muslim, to advance their
armies, and to take [appropriate] official stances, in defense of our
Prophet Muhammad. Oh nation of Islam, oh nation of Muhammad, your
Prophet has been derided. They must immediately declare that they will
sever relations [with Denmark], recall their ambassadors, and cut off
all their economic ties.
"We say to the leaders of the Arabs and
the Muslims: Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? By God, if anyone in
some remote corner of the world affronted you, you would mobilize your
armies in order to wipe him off the face of the Earth. This should be
all the more true, oh Arabs, when it comes to those who affront your
honorable Prophet."
"Oh Nation of Islam, We [Found] that This Offense [of Publishing the Cartoons] Constitutes a Systematic Policy"
we once thought that the publication of the offensive cartoons in the
past reflected the personal opinion of one crippled Dane. But, oh
nation of Islam, we were surprised to find out that this offense
constitutes a systematic policy. Therefore, from here, from the
frontier land, we demand that all the infidel Crusader Danes on this
pure frontier land leave the countries of the Muslims. We have not
heard any of you condemn these crimes against our Islamic belief. What
good are your voices [of condemnation] anyway, when your stupid prime
minister has the audacity to support and defend these cartoons?
Therefore, we call upon you once again to leave our Islamic countries
immediately, and especially the frontier land of Palestine."
Call Upon Muslims All Over the World to Bomb The Embassies, Kidnap
Danish Ambassadors, and Kill Them [at] the Tomb Of The Prophet"
we call upon the Muslims, mujahideen, and monotheists all over the
world to pursue any of the pigs who drew or helped publish the
offensive cartoon, and to slaughter them immediately on the threshold
of the tomb of the Prophet. I love you, oh Prophet of Allah, like I
love my father and mother. I swear by Allah if we get our hands on
them, we will show them no mercy.
"We call upon
Muslims all over the world to bomb the embassies, to kidnap Danish
ambassadors, and to kill them on the threshold of the tomb of the
"Oh nation of Islam, this is our Prophet. This is not
about Palestine. You may have sold out the Al-Aqsa Mosque, but will you
sell out the Prophet Muhammad too? If you're selling - we're buying. We
will sell our souls cheaply to redeem even his honorable shoe, and to
redeem the shoe of any Muslim on the face of this Earth."
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Yes I also thought it was extremely sensible as well Qatman.
Jazak Allah Khairun Brother
Khursheed, A sensible posting, I hope everyone concerned understands this.
If some one spit to sun then it come to his face. merely boycotting products will not solve problem. boycotting to what extent, all muslim world 100% depend on EU, USA etc. we can not boycott them. EMKAY and other business groups will never remove danish products from their selves, they only mind their business, they just fool public. I see all stores big or small are full of all kind of products.
most of it, we should see into our self , do we follow teaching of our prophet ( pbuh )? no, means majority of us are hypocrites, only talking, practically nothing.
instead of critisizing them ( danish etc. ) we should correct ourself, if we follow teaching of islam in every walk of life then we be able to fight such nasty things.
M.Khursheed Uddin
What is between me and DG is not between me and you!
If DG would like to clarify anything with me then she is welcome to do so! As I have never ever said or suggested she was not a muslim!
its fine to find muslims funny.. I find them funny sometimes.
however we should never ever try to hurt another muslim! This is a fact in islam.
And one we should all remember!!!
I think pm... that my advice to you to see what I meant is by reading up on more Islam. And understanding the tenents with siding against the muslims and making them look bad in general. (one very minor example is laughing to the jokes of non muslims about pork!) Or laughing at the jokes that are meant to degrade a muslim tenent! in that no muslim should find funny laughing at another muslim whether he is wrong or right. And no muslim should find it funny laughing at a tenent in Islam such as eating pork. Nor should a muslim be made fun of ... especially with non muslims who do not have different agendas then the muslims.
· Advice to Muslims in general means being kind to them, facilitating whatever benefits them; preventing harm from afflicting them; loving for them what one loves for himself; and hating that harm would ever afflict them, just as one would hate it to afflict himself.
That does not mean that you can't advise them in public if they make a mistake in public. Although the manners of a muslim is to do so in private first! And then if they continue to try to advise them in public. And Allah knows best our situation! (so although we advise it is not meant to judge that person.. but rather we should judge ourselves before,during and afterwards)
And if you are unclear about an issue then before you advise them it is upon you to clarify what they person is trying to say! And educate ourselves on the different islamic tenents within that issue. Before we start to make a comment!
Taken from
Allaah says that which means: “So they hamstrung the she-camel and were insolent toward the command of their Lord and said: 'O Saalih! Bring us what you promise us, if you should indeed be of the Messengers. So the earthquake seized them, and they became within their home [corpses] fallen prone. And he [i.e., Saalih] turned away from them and said: 'O my People! I had certainly conveyed to you the message of my Lord and advised you, but you do not like advisors.” (Al-A’raaf: 77-79).
Dear Sister, it is no surprise then that the definition of the entire religion of Islaam given by the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is 'to give advice'. Tameem Ad-Daari may Allaah be pleased with him narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said three times: “The religion (of Islaam) is to give advice.” His companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, asked: “To whom O Prophet of Allaah?” He replied: “To Allaah, His book, His Messenger, to the leaders of Muslims and to the Muslims in general.” (Muslim). Imaam Ibn Hajar, may Allaah have mercy upon him, commented on this Hadeeth by saying:
· Advice to Allaah means to establish pure monotheism by believing in the oneness of Allaah, His divine Lordship and all His names and attributes; to fully submit to Him inwardly and outwardly; to give precedence to the rights of Allaah over the rights of all others; to seek His pleasure by performing what He loves; to fear His wrath by refraining from His disobedience; and by working hard to aid the disobedient to return to the path of Allaah.
· Advice to the Book of Allaah means learning it; teaching it to others; acting upon it; learning how to correctly recite it, understanding its meanings; adhering to the boundaries it sets; and defending it from the liars and fabricators who strive to defame and distort it.
· Advice to the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam means loving him; obeying him; supporting him (i.e., his Sunnah), reviving his Sunnah by learning it, teaching it to others and applying it; imitating him in his words and actions; and shunning innovations and extremism in all matters of religion.
· Advice to the leaders of Muslims means helping them fulfil their responsibilities; warning them whenever they become heedless and uniting people under their leadership. The leaders of the Muslims also include those who are leaders in terms of their knowledge, such as the well known scholars; advising them means spreading the knowledge they impart as well as their good qualities.
Peanuts and all the muslims.. Please know that I love you for the sake of Allah. And inshAllah in me.. I will always be a friend! Whether we agree or disagree! And May Allah guide us ALL to the right path. InshAllah Alahumma ameen.
in the end, WHAT'S RIGHT IS RIGHT and people can judge the wise words coming from wise people.
There are some beautiful minds here on QL like Frog, you, & of course hashin.....people who pour a lot of wisdome, love, courage, justice & kindness in their words.
Stay KOOL and you will have a GANG
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
I may not agree with alot of what the muslims have to say on here. Including peanuts and a few others.. And I am sure that, as many have stated, they are not sure about what I am say either.
But at the end of the day they are muslims and demand our loyalty to some extent. As well as consideration to advise them in what they do wrong to the best of our ability.
They have the right to feel safe with us.. pm. A muslim should not feel unsafe in the care of another muslim. Nor should they fear torture by them. And since I have been here.. I have literally seen you mock the muslims, support non -muslims when they mock Islamic tenents and core beliefs and side with them...
how is anything I say judgemental! I am only relaying my personal experience with you pm...
These are actions that I have personally seen with my own eyes! Should I just overlook the fact that you do them in public????
And again the question is there? How much knowledge do you have in Islam. Because knowledge is not something that is professed out in open but shown through a persons implementation of that knowledge. Wisdom is very much the same thing.
In the other thread you just asked me to admit my own mistakes.. but then do you admit your mistakes then too????
No one is an angel now are they PM.
Don't worry then peanuts.. I didn't read your post..
Pm has a way of trying to twist what everyone says.. Even though she says she knows quite a bit about Islam.. (and yet refuses to share her ideas).
She loves to constantly twist and assassinate the muslims. Rather than just clarifying to the non muslims what they were on about. Which I am assuming is perfectly within her capability. No one really knows why she does this accept to say that she doesn't agree with that persons values and therefore will try to make them look like a bad person so no one does either.
Of course, that is freedom of biased speech for you!
I often wonder why any self professed muslim would consistantly try to make her brethern look bad in front of other people rather than just advising them of their actions in an Islamic way.
10 people is not gonna do anything to Danish. For them even if entire ME bans their products there wont be any fallout in their business except maybe price increase in ME itself.
I am otta here
You didn't understand my words.
I said "don't be surprised if you hear, FOR EXAMPLE.." was a speculation..a hope...a trust in the values of true muslims...I was NOT judging the intentions of anybody. I don't even know if the "Kuwaiti" partner of KDD IS Kuwaiti.
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
mmm that is one of the few good points I have heard pm say..
it is very important not to judge muslims on actions which are unclear in the Quran or the Sunnah.
That does not mean that a person cannot be defined by their actions as a non muslim but not by everyday muslims who lack knowledge.
because it is something we must tread very carefully. Even amongst scholars (who avoid this to no end) can talk about the characteristics that take a person outside the fold of islam.. such as doing magic or mocking the religion.. however it is very difficult to suggest any individual person or group has become non muslim. Because the prophet said.. anyone who declares a person a non muslim and he is truly not a kaafir then he becomes one himself.
So it is very important to have a clear knowledge within Islam before calling another person or even thinking they are a non muslim. And even amongst the scholars it must be upon clear evidence and the person must have been explained his actions very clearly as well. And we do not know what is in a persons heart.
On the day of judgement a person who was a muslim his whole life will all of a sudden turn non muslim before he died and enter hell fire. And a person who was an atheist will become a muslim..
I never went to PEC - LOL!
If its the school ur talking aBT
i know you since days of PEC.
Darude u love me dont you?
and it stands for Kuwait Denmark Dairy...but the values of true muslims putting their God, Prophet & religion before their personal interests, was for all muslims in general & not limited to Kuwaities.
I talk about the character of a true muslim person; not an arab, not a Kuwaiti, not an American...etc.
I will leave your opinion in nationalities, to you.
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
and na i didnt delete maybe some mode.
AND better stop moaning and whining and answer to what i asked.
if there is anything related.
So fascism isnt dead i see
I cant read my post any more
How soon ur gonna take this one off
if you hear, for example, the Kuwaiti partner of KDD, and members of his family, are the first people to boycott the products of their own company KDD (if they can't stop the production). These are the values of true muslims; their God, Prophet & religion comes before their personal interests.
I just heard on the QBS news that the Danish government has warned the Danish PM behind the cartoons that his act will cause damage to the Danish politics & economy.
So they KNOW that there is damage coming. This is a fact to all those who claim that boycotting will not make a difference to Denmark.
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
How are man. Dont u shout over roof tops. these guys are not gonna understand. they only know to mix up topics when there is no logic for what they say. I am thinking how big his pocket will be ??[img_assist|nid=60386|title=.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Keep your israel policy or terrorism in your Pocket
-unrelated comment-
i just had a lurpak.
do you think those poor labor working in factories are responsible for this.
if the company doesn't earn anything it goes in loss the where will the workers get their pay from how will the feed their families.
You are not acting as a true Muslim here because you totally forgot the meaning of Tolerance here.
T h i n k w i s e.
Where does it says in Islam to punish lil innocent children, aged ppl and women.
well they are also part of Denmark right?
Is there any thing such as that a violator family members or relatives should be Punished or sentenced ???
Not a lawyer, and not funny either...
"I am all bright dude"
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
Well dude Peanut. Dont act like a lawer. U might not have written word Islam but ur that post and the ones before are talking in that term.
I am all bright dude.
U clear ur hazy grey cells up on ur first floor
"Some people need to learn (the hard way) that insulting the sacred religions/values of other nations"
Where does it say "Islam" in my above statement?
Who told you that I was limiting my statement to Islam only?
Who told you that I would accept insulting Buddha, for example?
During your stay in this region, have you seen any arabic newspaper/media publish anything insulting about Buddha or any other religions?
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
Some people need to learn (the hard way) that insulting the sacred religions/values of other nations - this is what u wrote.
Now how the he** did u think or imagines Islam is for few nations only. There can be no political boundaries for ant religion.
Correct ur ideas. In all democratic nation there are muslims. u being in ME cannot and should not behave as the custodians of Islam.
you had to order potatos!
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
in Texas, they put a ban even on French kissin'
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
The issue is that the people DID call for boycotting French products & some of them followed it.
So "boycotting" is something common & normal among the nations of the world. Even the "Super Humans" (Americans) do it. The muslims these days did NOT come up with something new.
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
Medo_qatar, how foolish and ignorant your thoughts are? I am least bothered what the Danes do to with cows. If I started worrying about every thing happening around the world in terms of my religion I practically leave every thing and live in a jungle as skdkak mentioned.
This evening I was able to purchase some Danes Cheese, "nothing personal against Allah or Mohammed", but I do like their products. During the slicing process of my 1 kilo of Danes cheese, I did ask the attendant: How much Danish cheese do you have in stock? Is your company going to support the boycott?Surprising enough the attendant told me, they have 3 months worth of inventory. The owner still debating to pull it off the shelf or not, because he will loose over 1,985,000.00 QR, in Danish cheeses and other dairy products. One Tough Decision in the name of Religion.
Having said that.. I do think that they have a right to say what they want to say..
simply because they are not muslims and it isn't a muslim country.
peanuts I agree with you on that statement. But then I suppose that is because I also think that "freedom of expression" should have some restrictions! Whereas these people believe that expression does not need any moderation!
And that is simply because they realize that a human devised method of moderation is faulty and would impede on their god given rights. Whereas, as muslims we have the Quran and sunnah which is written by Allah as our guide and moderator. :) And therefore perfect!
otherwise I would have starved if they were Danish
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
I wish there would be more than boycotting this time. Some people need to learn (the hard way) that insulting the sacred religions/values of other nations has nothing to do with "freedom of expression". It is a clear & pure expression of hatred & lack of respect, no matter what excuses they'd give.
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
they will apologise again we will patch up
this cycle will go on
please check every item you buy
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
what's it going to hurt? The blue cheese industry? At least this is a peaceful way to approach the issue.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Life's too short. Take it easy and listen to Dave Chappell. All your worries wil go away.
"He said I was ugly and I couldn't read good"
--Dave Chappell (1973 - to-date)
I remember watching FOX news when America intended to invade Iraq & the French stood against that in the Security Council. FOX was showing interviews with the American people in the streets to see their opinion about this. They (not the government, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE) were calling for boycotting French products & stopping any kind of trade with France.
No one called them "bloody extremist, fanatic Christians....etc"
Our religion will NEVER be affected by a few cartoons, but this is a much better way to teach those Danes "something" (about "freedom of expression")
"Unfortunately when you attack people..."
We are NOT attacking, PM. We are under attack and this is one of the few defensive options we have.
if you pay peanuts you get monkies
And questioning / or reasoning about any aspect in Islam is considered a sin and a taboo. So more ignorance. If one does not reason things, how are you gonna get brains. How much little I know about Islam, but I know The profit Md. did put logic and reason behind each aspect of Islam. I dont understand y no reasoning now. times change and things needs to change as per times
Hi PM. how hav u been.
What u wrote is exactly what people with brains do. But unfortunately there are more people in this world who act foolish.
we have a problem in this world more because of ignorance (mind u ignorance has nothing to do with education) than the actual problem shown.
Hello PM,
Y a neutral and diplomatic post.
Medo_Qatar: u wrote, "but they killing your God i mean the cows so you will buy some of your God products"" If one really believes in democratic ideas (live and let live) , their or anyone's killing of cows does not matter to any hindu. Cows get killed all over the world. FYI.. there is a lot of Beef export even from India. You mean we (Hindus) should just live on water and air in ME ????? Its a sin only if we eat it. One has to be a little tolerant in ones own religion about what others see / think and feel about. If one is confident about ones own religion and faith - no power on earth can change it. SO y bother if a bunch of people show or do something about Islam. Have faith in Islam. Its not gonna just vanish and/or dilute by a couple of pics.
The local companies were effected, not the Danish ones.
After the last round of boycott many companies were indeed very seriously affected by the trade and consumer boycott - quite a few companies actually went ahead and changed their names to nondescript ones to avoid detection - Awal did this in Bahrain.
Ah sorry, I thought this had happened recently. I'll remember not to shoot my mouth off in the future.
Howard? Hasn't been our PM for a couple months now. You're thinking Rudd. I think you'll find that we like to cover our butts in terms of political correctness. It has nothing to do with a religious stance.
Some ppl when they draw bad things about islam so it is freedom
so me also i am free to say my opinion about what i belive in the other religion, specially it is truth
It is ok to do mistake, but it is a Big mistake to insist to do the same mistake and you know it is mistake
Thats the most ignorant post i ever read. To be respected, you need to respect other people's religion. Call others apes, pigs & cows and they'll mock you on cartoons. You see what goes around , comes around
but they killing your God i mean the cows
so you will buy some of your God products
It is ok to do mistake, but it is a Big mistake to insist to do the same mistake and you know it is mistake
I always believe that Danish have high quality products and I don't have much idea about their brands.Compiling the list is impossible for me, now I can check them and buy them. See, I am positive guy and I see good thinks in every aspect.
wahoo quite intersting responses... agreeded that banning the products may not directly impact the govt or even newspapers, but indirectly it does, once these companies start to see lower revenues, it will eventually get notices by Govt (becuase owner of these companies will bit*h and Scream) why focus on denmark becuase this is the place where it started, atleast this instance.
One of the excellent thing about Islam is that it teaches us not only to respect our releigion but also others, e.g. i as a mulsim has great respect for Hazrart, Issa and Hazrat Mariam, who is Jesus of Christina and his mother, we have their reference in Quran as well, so to be honest if somone says bad about them, i will get upset and try to do somethign about this.
so the least we can do is ban their products and try to get them to realize, agreeded not all fingers are equals, we probably have lot of decent danish people but than due to others the whole country get blame...
have fun
Alexa... it means these guys who want to ban Danish products have to start milking camels to get milk and its products.
This is slowly turning into an intelligent supply side economics thread :)
You are right that the Middle East has purchasing power, on a per capita basis. But the actual imported quanities of good, in dollar value, is quite low once you exclude all the luxury cars and watches.
You only need to visit Carrefour to see that this country doesn't import high-end, expensive consummables. The reason is that while there are some people here who could afford to buy these products, the actual volume of sales would make their import not cost-effective. And due to the cultural spread of residents, the 10% of people who buy expesive goods is divided into tiny blocks of consumers who want expensive Asian/European/American/African products.
The marketplace is too diverse to support a vast array of expensive product lines.
I think you will find that high end products have bulk sales in countries like China and India far in excess of here in Qatar, due to their populations (each country has a population of over 1,000,000,000 people). If even 0.1% are willing to pay for a rare french brand of cheese, that's still a lot of people, compared with 0.1% of the population of Qatar. Which is why you can't buy rare French cheese here (among a long list of other consummables).
Solid84 dont underestimate the Middle East Market..although its not aHuge market like India or China due to Population, ME has purchasing power.
The Purchasing Power of Middle East Is huge (Qatar's Purchasing power is the highest in the world even above USA!) due the the higher income.
Most of the High cost products would not sell in huge markets like India and China. Neither Diary Products As India is One of the World leaders in Milk Production. Neither would Labour intensive products like Shoes, Bags, etc.
So if Diary products are successfully baned in Middle East then it would really hurt their industry. But I will say it will never happen because the people are lazy to conciously carryout such a thing". Ok they will talk...they like to talk a lot ...but will they take the pains to search for Danish products, downloads brands, make a list to avoid, take it to the Supermarket every time....Forget It.
I dont like danish products period
and i dont buy their products as it is, for all i care the whole of scandinavia can be boycotted,
But what good will that bring
The funny thing in the whole equation is that the Danish government isn't really effected by the whole process. How is boycotting PRIVATE companies going to effect a government? Lower tax returns?!!
In addition to that, the whole Middle East population and consumption isn't that big compared to other world regions in the first place!
SKDKAK the point remains why punish the government of denmark, they dont have control over the press just like other western countrys,
Just let them be. Dont make heroes out of attention seeking newspapers
They probably reprinted the cartoons because there readership was going down again.
The protest from their side was just another excuse.
Ur very first post in this thread is to the point. Its a behaviour like if I beat u and u are unable to fight me. U keep an eye to target the week members of my family.
Do protest as per the logic. By banning dairy products and wafers etc, one is only giving monopoly to Saudi products. Guss what will happen then. Prices will tend to go up by many folds due to non competition and demand.
Net loosers are the people of this country - irrespective of nationalities
And the wise will speak JACKMOHAN
very respectful comments - i hope everyone read it
Have you ever heard about "trade" and term "Comparative advantage"?
You have all the right to Boycott......its a peacefull and meaningful protest, moreover its your own choice.
I think only KDD will be affected the worst, as there are a lot of KDD products. As for HEMPEL paints they are the Industry Standard for Paints here in Qatar! So how are you going to replace them.
LEGO is the Toys brand I guess which has already been shagged by the Chinese toys.
What was the Aim of the Drawings?
To generate Hatred between one society against the other. Taking this Cue not one of the people who have been hurt should generate "Hate or Anger". Cause if you do so, the instigators will succeed.
I Hope you can serve this notice with LOVE.
Good that you povided all the information regarding Danish products. Now those who dont know which are danish products they will come to know about it and buy them.
Ideally Qatar should boycott products from all countries and start producing/manufacturing themselves.This way they can defend whomever they want.
You really want to stick up for prophet Mohammed, buy ever ad space on the 17 Danish newspapers and fill it up with Ads praising Islam and prophet Mohammed. It is very doable, Muslims have never been short on money.
Hey Andrew
Just yesterday i saw an Arab buy kinder, and i was thinking to myself does he know that kinder comes from denmark
And furthermore does he even care.
The point is there is no need to put a hold on products from the government
If u feel for something so strongly, do it urself right?
Hiiiiii guys........i canot understand y these people are making so much hue n cry for a silly cartoonist's nasty trick for cheap popularity.
If u believe in Allah & ur prophet...........y u people are bothered for?
a silly cartoon will change all ur respect & beliefs...?
If u loose ur nose by a mere sneezing...............then wats d use of that nose
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Egypt (yes, even Egypt)
New Zealand
Saudia Arabia (yes, even Saudi)
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
So in the interests of fairness, I am proposing to boycott products from ALL those countries."
---- > you can kick me out from the country too
You are 100% right.
If you read between the lines, some people can't even be bothered to take the time to read the country of origin information on the product anyway. They will want the Danish products removed from the shelves completely to prevent them from mistakenly buying something Danish.
In other words they are too lazy to check for themselves to see where it's from, and want the managers of the supermarket to do it for them.
Do you really think they can be bothered actually protesting against the Danish cartoonists, rather than against Danish milk-maids?
go and tell the authority not to bring the stuffs to the country. As far as i can still find it in the shop .... i like it i would buy it.
Might also solve the global obesity problem. We'll not be eating anything!!
*** Light travels faster than sound. That's why most people appear bright until they open their mouths.
You know, if I wanted to protest a COUNTRY because they won't stop the publishing of certain hateful writings I would not boycott products from private businesses. Now, I WOULD, however, flood their inboxes with protest e-mail, flood their Mailboxes with protest letters, AND flood their phone lines with protest phone calls.
Wouldn't that accomplish more? You aren't hurting the government OR the newspapers by boycotting products made by private danish companies...why should the government or the newspapers care if you stop buying doesn't hurt them at all!
Just my thoughts...I'd want to punish (not violently) the ACTUAL people involved...not lump the entire population together. Seems like that type of thinking is what is getting us into these messes all over the world.
Here we go again!!
*** Light travels faster than sound. That's why most people appear bright until they open their mouths.
Is the issue that it was Danish cartoonists who drew the cartoons, or that it was Danish newspapers that published them?
What difference does it make if 1 or 17 newspapers published them?
If you are going to boycott food from countries that published the cartoons, boycott:
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Egypt (yes, even Egypt)
New Zealand
Saudia Arabia (yes, even Saudi)
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
So in the interests of fairness, I am proposing to boycott products from ALL those countries.
excuse me (this is OOTT), i will just post here and tell smokey that he will receive his love PM from me tomorrow....reason? he just made me rolling for laughs early this morning...your lines always hit the
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Emotions wasted in QL as usual IRF77
We love our prophet so much that we be quiet and watch in silence
Every man for himself irf77, u start i am with u
Smoke something is pucking wrong with the world dont u think.
Now honestly, what does the Danish dairy business have to do with whats on the Danish newspapers?!!!
I know this forum has gone through the whole "Freedom of speech" thread before, but lets keep it real here.
You want to boycott someone, why don't you boycott England who Knighted Salman Rushdy? How about boycotting American products whose Hollywood have produced so many movies that are offensive to Islam through the years. Or is that you can just substitute Danish cheese for Saudi products, but don't have the testicular fortitude to stop driving your Suburbans, using Microsoft Windows and checking your emails on Hotmail and Google.
Get real!
smoke.........u r really naughty.....................
Message to Creakylol3 from smokey's cat : "Puck OPP" :)
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Real cute smoke.
I hate your stupid wagging tail. I feel like sticking it up your bum-bum. Take that ugly pic of your gf off.
"He said I was ugly and I couldn't read good"
and i hope the 'P' in Puck is not pronounced silent like 'P' "Photo"
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
what the Puck is image number 8? i am sure i wont be eating something called that :p
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot