
By the_prince

Bugging questions to ask yourself (well, most won't ... it's Okay)

When was the last time you questioned your beliefs?

Do you do that regularly?

Are you a truth-seeker?

Are you a fanatic?

Do you tolerate fanatics from your own group?
Do you tolerate fanatics from other groups just as much?

An atheists are NOT excluded. They have their own beliefs as well!

By the_prince• 16 May 2009 07:28

OK, end of hijacking (1)

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By the_prince• 11 May 2009 11:54

Thanks a lot

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By Eldouss• 11 May 2009 11:42
Rating: 4/5

Prince, if you're interested in knowing more about this then i would suggest you read a book called "The Great War for Civilisations: Conquest of the Middle East" by Robert Fisk. He's a journalist that used to write for The Times. His book is one of the best ever books i've read so far. I think you'd enjoy it of you're willing to spare time for 1,300 pages!!!

By the_prince• 11 May 2009 08:06
Rating: 3/5

Please provide sources confirming your statements, it would be of help.

Facts are always welcomed


Holocaust was serving as an example about "truth" to MD, that's all

End of Holocaust discussion, back to normal thread (hopefully)


"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By Eldouss• 10 May 2009 23:25
Rating: 3/5

Gents, it seems that we're focusing on one holocaust here, but what about the first ever? The Armenian Holocaust back in 1915? If Prince wants numbers, i'm pretty sure that 1.5 million is something that he'll find all accross archives! How about the 50,000 decayed corpses that journalists and authorities found in the Northern of Syrian desert Magadra! When it comes to issues like holocausts, whether the armenian or jewish one, it's not a matter of believing or having faith, it's a FACT. So i don't think that it's too relevant to the topic that has been started over here.

By Platao36• 10 May 2009 14:37
Rating: 2/5

Prince: How many men you think were fighting in WW II and how many you think were present when the prisioners were released from those concentration camps. Some of them are still alive and several camps are now monuments to the holocaust so we never forget what hate may do to humans.


Only God Can Judge Me

الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer

أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ

By the_prince• 10 May 2009 14:30

now talking about millions of witnesses ? who? where? when?

give me a break!

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By tallg• 10 May 2009 14:29
Rating: 2/5

I tend to agree that it's wrong to stop people from questioning things about the holocaust.

But unlike with the cat in the box, where we don't know it's state, with the holocaust we have evidence pertaining to what happened.

I didn't want to post the above until I'd ascertained your views on the holocaust. If you outright deny that it happened then there seems little point continuing.

By Platao36• 10 May 2009 13:47

Prince: You are as free from questioning those numbers as any other has of confirming those numbers.

You may question because you weren't a witness, but do you think you can deny millions of witnesses?


Only God Can Judge Me

الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer

أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ

By the_prince• 10 May 2009 13:05

Does this mean that no one is allowed to question the actual number ?

ever read the "Nuremberg Trials" ? some testimonials from it I would assume?

I have read "other" extracts that shows how ridiculous some testimonials were. I'm "allowed" to say that, right?

while looking now for information, I found this:

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By Platao36• 10 May 2009 11:59
Rating: 4/5

Prince: There are all over Europe several people that where present when the jews were released from the concentration camps, not 2/3/4 or 100 but thousands of witnesses not counting the jews that were arrested.


Only God Can Judge Me

الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer

أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ

By the_prince• 10 May 2009 09:51

I mean it's enforced in the west more than religion, while criticism, denial, or even questioning the actual number is not tolerated

Haven't you heard of the doctoral degree that was withdrawn after being granted just because the student dared questioned the actual number?

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By the_prince• 10 May 2009 09:17
Rating: 2/5

Having stayed in the middle for 17 years, I'm sure you've experienced the effect of media manipulation ... it's allover the world, both in the east and in the west.

The only difference in which direction each country's media is biased!

Remember Iraq's WMD ... "truth"?

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By koko37• 10 May 2009 08:59


I agree with what you said "So how come the west is giving such a hard time to holocaust deniers"?

Unfortunately, though truth may be for those who believe it is true, others try to enforce their truth amongst us!

If i don't beleive in your truth, are you going to accuse me of been a non-beleiver? No, as my truth may not be ur truth.

Very Good Point!!!

By tallg• 10 May 2009 08:56

the_prince - you're implying there's no evidence that the holocaust happened. Is that what you think?

By anonymous• 10 May 2009 08:56
Rating: 4/5

It serves a purpose. It's their 'truth'. You can call it 'brainwash', if you like. But it happens on both sides. You could also say:" Five million people were killed", but nobody would react to this.

By the_prince• 10 May 2009 08:53

using your own words:

"The truth is that the truth is only true for the one who thinks it's true ."

So, how come the west is giving such a hard time to holocaust deniers?

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By the_prince• 10 May 2009 08:49

Welcome aboard

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By the_prince• 10 May 2009 08:48

so holocaust is not a truth ? (heating things up!)

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By the_prince• 10 May 2009 08:47

After reading your post, had to visit your profile looking for the job section. Obviously you are keeping your brain active.

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By anonymous• 10 May 2009 08:44

It is a truth.

By the_prince• 10 May 2009 08:43

This was basically an atheist caricature, depicting an atheist's last words while he car was falling off the cliff

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By Happy Happy• 10 May 2009 04:09
Rating: 5/5
Happy Happy

1- When was the last time you questioned your beliefs?

- Over the past 2-3 months, again questioned myself.

2- Do you do that regularly?

- Often

3- Are you a truth-seeker?

- Yes

4- Are you a fanatic?

- No, but firm on my beliefs and values.

5- Do you tolerate fanatics from your own group?

6- Do you tolerate fanatics from other groups just as much?

I tolerate fanatics from other groups more than I do with those from my own (they know better, I say).

I'm working on improving though.


By Platao36• 10 May 2009 02:18

I like to see myself as a trueth seeker


Only God Can Judge Me

الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي

I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer

أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ

By shoeaddict• 9 May 2009 23:06

i overheard someone say "God save me if there is a God save my soul,if i have a soul".

sooo,,,i was utterly speechless...what do you make of that?

By Karin• 8 May 2009 11:48

I evolved from truth-seeker….to fanatic…to a living dead lol! Now I believe that TRUTH is relative except of course for absolute facts.

[img_assist|nid=21401|title=Adjust, Adopt & Overcome|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=135]

By anonymous• 8 May 2009 11:06
Rating: 4/5

prince, for us it is undetermined. But it isn't. We just don't have the means to see it. And that's when believing helps those who can't live with these facts.

By the_prince• 8 May 2009 11:03

The fact that we don't know the state of the cat, doesn't mean that its state is undetermined

Meaning that: A truth does exit despite the fact that we

By the_prince• 8 May 2009 10:55

that cat:

As for death tolls (even if correct), remember that God created everything, so, the final sum is always positive (+infinity)

I don't know of anything created by Satan, still gets a negative sum (-10)

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By adey• 7 May 2009 20:39
Rating: 5/5

Surely it turned into a gremlin! :P

"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365

not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the

many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers

were given. Satan - 10."

By anonymous• 7 May 2009 15:10

I'd rather agree with Erwin Schroedinger, zayd. The cat is either dead or alive.

By zayd• 7 May 2009 15:07

its not the truth i'm interested in....i just think that someone saying "i don't have any beliefs" is really similar to the epimenides paradox or godel's objection to bertrand russel's PM...don't you think?

By anonymous• 7 May 2009 15:03

I don't agree with you, zayd. "The Truth" exists for you or not, and only for you or not for you.

By zayd• 7 May 2009 15:00

that's the thing then MD, if you agree with me then you BELIEVE that "The Truth" doesn't exist...there's a belief for you to question :)

By angel16• 7 May 2009 14:56
Rating: 5/5

try it one time MD,then try to explain to this!

By anonymous• 7 May 2009 14:33

I don't know what death is. Haven't experienced it so far. Will tell you later when I'm dead.

By the_prince• 7 May 2009 13:56

Can I add another: Life itself!

There is no meaning of death without life.

So, do we have 2 truths so far? (3 to include Dracula's case) :D

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By Gypsy• 7 May 2009 13:42
Rating: 2/5

The only thing for certain in life is death. Everything else is a shot in the dark, so you might as well enjoy yourself.

By the_prince• 7 May 2009 13:37

At least we can try to search, learn, and understand

Anyone remember the book series: "Look, Listen, and Learn" ?

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By the_prince• 7 May 2009 13:34


Very true

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By Mitzzyy Mitz• 7 May 2009 13:33
Rating: 2/5
Mitzzyy Mitz

the prince... perhaps...a case to case basis...different people...different personality e...=D

Mitzzyy Mitz '09

By the_prince• 7 May 2009 13:33


I agree with the second part of your reply. As for the first, well ...

There is a poem that says:

A man of great mind is having troubles even in a paradise because of his knowledge,

while an ignorant/knowledgeable man is living happily in his misery

First type: like scientists, thinkers, and rebels

Second type: most people

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By beeseh• 7 May 2009 13:32

Sometimes I question if this is what God really wants but then again, believing in something means believing in something without having to prove it. As we say, Gottes Wege sind unergründbar. As for the truth, there is no such thing as one truth but millions of little truths.

By the_prince• 7 May 2009 13:29

LOL Dracula

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By Dracula• 7 May 2009 13:22
Rating: 2/5






You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in!

By the_prince• 7 May 2009 13:20

perhaps a "Stake Through the Heart" can make you "see the light" :D

Now, still don't believe in death as a truth?

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By Mitzzyy Mitz• 7 May 2009 13:17
Rating: 5/5
Mitzzyy Mitz

LOLzzzzzz @ drac...=D

it is just a matter of how stable your mind satisfied are you in your life...Once you have those satisfaction and stability...there is no point questioning your belief....

Also, your belief is innate...nobody should ask you that because it is for you and only for matter the other asked you, they would still get the same answer on what you believed in...

Mitzzyy Mitz '09

By Dracula• 7 May 2009 13:11
Rating: 4/5



I do!

i am half-dead



You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in!

By the_prince• 7 May 2009 13:09

Well, some people argue that death is the only truth in this world.

Do you deny this?

"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the

longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."

William Blake

By anonymous• 7 May 2009 12:30

The truth is that the truth is only true for the one who thinks it's true.

By Winn• 7 May 2009 12:23

zAYD: What MD is saying that truths can co-exist and doesnt need to be mutually exclusive. Also, in quite a few incidences, what people accept as truth is just a metter of the individual's perception.

By anonymous• 7 May 2009 12:17

zayd, you're a bright guy.

By Formatted Soul• 7 May 2009 12:16
Rating: 4/5
Formatted Soul

Never perfectly happy with what I believe in...

By zayd• 7 May 2009 12:14
Rating: 2/5

you do realize MD that by saying that there are many truths then The Truth doesn't exist...

By anonymous• 7 May 2009 12:05

I don't question my beliefs because I don't have any. I don't seek The Truth, because there are many.

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