Bamboo sticks used in 'demon' beating

"Both parents of a 3-year-old southwest Harris County boy beat him with bamboo sticks and poked his feet with chopsticks in a violent attempt to remove demons from his body, a prosecutor said Tuesday in a court hearing.
Assistant Harris County District Attorney Darin Darby, citing a witness statement from the boy’s 6-year-old sister, on Tuesday presented new details of the attack on Saturday to state District Judge Debbie Mantooth Stricklin in the case against Phung Tran, 36.
She and her husband, Jacky Tran, 35, are charged with injury to a child with serious bodily injury, a first-degree felony. He was arrested on Saturday. His wife was charged on Monday. Both face up to life in prison if convicted.
Prosecutors say the parents, Buddhists and vegetarians, believed demons entered the boy through meat he ate.
Medics flew the boy to the hospital, where he was being treated for skull fractures. Officials said he is expected to survive.
The Trans remain in Harris County jail on $100,000 bond each. Phung Tran’s attorney, Charles Brown, said he wanted a psychiatric evaluation done soon. Child Protective Services placed the couple’s older daughter in foster care and planned to ask for custody. The Trans are scheduled to appear in court again May 14."
How many were they? the demons I mean?
"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the
longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."
William Blake
People believe what they believe and take it wherever they go. It doesnt rest squarely in the realms of superstition ,,,,its a genuine belief in many cultures.
Ive been to a few REAL devil dances in the south of Sri Lanka where the "Patients" for want of a better word genuinely believe they have picked up a devil somewhere along the way , and can be responsible for everything from bad luck to ill health.
Bamboo! why?
This kind of actions just show how supertitious has become religion.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
"Officials said he is expected to survive" -- and will be so traumatized... :(
I had read about this when the story broke a few weeks ago. The father had thrown all the furniture, toys, clothes and other things out of the second story child's bedroom. The neighbors thought this was "strange behavior," but did not intervene. Later, the father said that he was removing everything "evil" in the room to "save" his child.
This story is so disturbing on so many levels. It is amazing to me how none of neighbors stepped in, perhaps, saving the child from the abuse.
"demons entered the boy".. looks like it's the other way around...
"demons entered the boy through meat he ate" ?!
The main concern now would be were the demons removed from his body? They're heath hazardous you know!
"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the
longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."
William Blake
Let's hope they get life and the child is adopted by someone who really loves him.
I will hoist that up the flag pole and see who salutes it!!