All Eyes on Iran
Violence broke out in Tehran as hardliners and riot police open fire on protesters last night.
Personally I've always found that shooting peaceful protesters was the correct response to proving you didn't rig an election, and also show that you're a mature, responsible country and government. :P
What do you think?
(being sarcastic if you can't tell).
Mosuai had more votes than Najad by more than 30 milion, and just a simple question if everything was honest then why so much protest?
At the end no differences between the running in Iran ruler nomainees.
Thats my poinion
The protestors chant الله أَكْبَر مرگ بر ديكتاتور, God The Greatest, Death to The Dictator.
Till Ayotallah Ali Khomeini speech on Friday where he declared the election valid
and warned of violence if demonstrations continue. Protestors flood the streets in defiance of the government and Ayotallah Ali Khomeini on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, chanting death to the dictator. The majority analyzed death to dictator as death to incumbent president Ahmedinajad but after Khomeini's speech it is very clear
the dictator here is Supreme Leader and the Islamic Revolution.
It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt
Alexa ..maybe what you are guessing is right.. I dont want to offend anyone here...
Like someone not doubting the people doubtin the govt...
I too agree with Genesis...
My guess... some external forces behind this violence..
You're a woman of the world.. I mean, you've done it :)
So, you must know how these stories are used by the media and the governments, according to which side of the fence you're on.
Whilst i agree that people have taken to the streets and fires have been lit and innocent people have died, I don't think it is as bad a we are led to believe.
One good thing has come out of it. The "Guardian Council" has said that there will be a recount of the disputed votes.
Thank God she's on leave! I'd hate for her to be there now.
I have been wondering since Saturday why this issue was not addressed here.
Anyhow. It is obvious that the extent of protests and the unnecessary aggression of the police justify the argument that the results were fabricated. Let aside what happened during the elections by blocking websites and mobile phones. btw. Najadians have their own wireless network.
Now I am watching this thread and waiting for the genius that will blame US and the West for what's happening in Iran.
Unfortunately. QL correspondent in Iran is on leave. Cannot be updated by our reliable source :(
I think how Iran handles these allegations will say A LOT about the country, even if the allegations are false. Shooting protesters is never a good way to show you're a "developed" nation.
I also agree with Genesis. Iran's situation is similar to the one in Thailand.
The difference is that Iranians are less free to express what they think and sadly soon these signs of revolt will be silenced.
There may be an element of truth in the "vote rigging" story. However, it is still an allegation.
There is a lot of "dis-information" being blown about, especially by Western media and agencies.
It is however a key point in Iran's "evolution". Let's see how the government and the peoples deal with it.
France and Germany susspect that the results are fabricated (from Aljazeera)
I actually have to agree with you Genesis. The issue is that the countries litterally split in half, with a large minority wanting Moussawi (spelling?) and a small majority wanting Ahmenajhad (spelling?). And given the summer heat and Iran's general stance on human life, this paves the way for violence.
Hopefully a peaceful answer can be found.
It's okay. "Rulers" must show who rules!
(being sarcastic if you can't tell).
What’s happening in Iran now is very obvious,. Yet I don’t believe that the result of election was really fabricated. It is well known fact that the illiterates of rural Iran outcomes the few intellectual in Tehran & abroad.