Who will adopt my dog

By rune.christense... •
Who will adopt my Saluki. It's a she and is sweet and nice, have all vaccines and is spayed/neutering. She is 1 year old and seek a new home. She is very friendly and has a good mind. She looks like a Golden Retriver
I unfortunately can not have her anymore.
I can mail Pictures.
hi, i am interested of your dog.. i love dogs.. please call me at 33233227, my name is rosanna..
Thanks for your reply. If you know someone who can take care of her and give her a good life, there's a good reward. It must be some who can and will look after her. She is a very good dog.
Thanks for your reply. If you know someone who can take care of her and give her a good life, there's a good reward. It must be some who can and will look after her. She is a very good dog.
If u could not get anyone to adobt, consult with QAWS.