Where can we buy/adopt a pure breed dog here in doha?

Interested to adopt/buy a pure breed dog with papers if possible. Chihuahua breed preferred. And what are the ways and means to get a dog here in Qatar? Are there any requirements we need to submit before we can own one? Please need infos about this. thank you so much.
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Just go to QAWS (Qatar Animal Welfare Society)
i think you can find in bin mahmoud...there's one pet shop there that selling a husky dog from hungarian, i think...cost is 4000qar.
You won't get a purebreed with papers here in Qatar. If you're adamant that you want papers then you will have to look at buying abroad and shipping in which will cost anything up to QR10,000.
Dogs must be 16 weeks old to fly into Qatar and have all the necessary paperwork and permits.
The alternative is to contact one of the rescue shelters and see what small dogs they have available. They may not be pure, and they won't have papers, but they truly deserve a loving home.