Snakes in the deserts

My company is working in the areas, where till now there is no in-habitation. Due our activities, the fauna like snakes and desert lizards are often spotted at site. Some times they move from the location. Many times we have make them to move away.
If any has experience with the snakes similar to me, and if any chemicals available in the market to the keep the snakes away, please kindly give me the details of its avilability.
When I have traveled in the past I liked to try and fish in remote areas, for this reason I always took an Aspivenom in my medical kit, it’s a small pump for extracting venom should you be unlucky enough to be bitten or stung, it is only first aid though and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible, I have not seen them here but I have not really looked either, a search on the web may find a supplier
I don’t really have any idea about the types of snakes and insects here but I would have though scorpions a more likely threat
in India we were using variety of ASAFOETIDA. A solution is made out of it and sprinkle around. I don't know it will work with desert reptiles...