Relocating a cat

I need to relocate my cat from Doha to Abu Dhabi.
Does anyone know if it is cheaper to send it as accompanied or unaccompanied baggage?
I have phoned Qatar Airways and they can send the cat either way, but they won't give me a cost or tell me which would be cheaper until I take her there in a cage to get her weighed etc.
Hoping someone here will know.
Yes, thanks. I think it's going to be cheaper to take her as accompanied baggage as they will charge 20QR per kilo for her as access baggage. Still don't know what the freight as unaccompanied baggage would cost, but I can't imagine it to be any cheaper than that. If anyone has a rough idea about how much it would cost to take a cat as unaccompanied baggage, please let me know.
Well Qatarairways can only tell you a price if they know the weight of your cat plus cage. Because you gonna pay per kg to transport her.