Please help My Cat is Missing-Muntazah Area

Hi everyone here, its been two weeks now since my cat is missing. My location is at Muntazah area between B-Ring Rd. and back side of Muntazah Health Center. My cat is kept within the yard of a Villa and cat seldom goes out and would normally comes back when he do so. He is not a stray cat and for some reason he goes outside he can manage to comeback no problem. It sadden me because i found him missing one day and Im assuming that someone might have pick up my cat along the way.
I attached his picture for reference. One notable features of him aside from his pure white color is his eyes, his right eye is blue while the left is bright brown.
Please help me find my friend.
You can contact this number for any information. 55904124 look for Leian.
Thanks in advance.
hi coffeesmile, i seen the picture and he is not my cat :( but hopefully that cat owner will see your post. I appreciate your extended effort doing this to lost cat. I am still hopeful that one day i will reunite with our cat.
Please check here too http://www.qatarliving.com/node/25718141/
Hi, I just called 55904124 and spoke with Leian. I thought it might be the same cat, but the eye color might not be a match. Please see my posts about the cat I found here. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152366841870757&set=o.226657760731058&type=1&theater
Let me know if you think it's a match, I hope I found your cat!!
Did you try calling vet clinics?
cats love roaming freely and not to be caged or kept inside house..so good that it escaped
Saju, What if he did something ' clever ' to the other cats in the neighbourhood ? It should be home before any delay ..... Thu, 28.11.2013, 09.35 hrs ..
Your Assumption is dangerous , Just assume if i found your pet and returned it back to you , Instead of reward you will start assuming that i might have taken this pretty thing . Announce some reward , as we all have to check both eyes also ..
Let him roam outside for some days and when get board he will come back. Don't worry.
What's your pet's name .... ? I will try calling if I see somewhat similar to him on the street ......
Thu, 28.11.2013, 09.22 hrs ..