Animals from the souq
By milica26091979 •
Please adopt there are so many pages on Facebook to adopt healthy animals. I accepted a puppy from souq and I had already one dog at home who was 100% healhty. The new dog he had parvovirus and gave it to my older dog who died.
So please adopt, dont buy animals that's the only way to stop this and only way to have a healty animal!
Pets Lover Please visit.
"Creatures will tell you that they are happy or not"...if ONLY you know their language you may judge it properly ?
But by seeing them, even a kid will tell you if they are happy or not...dunno abt you ?
"many ants live in such a narrow space without any objection"....coz they live in borrows ONLY, like a Lion is the king of a Jungle....Peacock is the national bird of India...and Oryx is the national animal of you cant force an Elephant to stay in the cage and feed em cheeze ? :( not sure what are you trying to say. What has it got to do with whatever is being talked about.
Galinda, Your comment { locking of kids .. } is out of context ..... Tue, 19.11.2013, 01.42 hrs
Happy , Lets be realistic, human population is over & above animals ..... that's why humans cut-clean forests & invade animals' habitat ... ... .... Tue, 19.11.2013, 01.42 hrs
Maybe we should lock up our children in our homes too, so that they can be kept "safe" with "food and water"?
What a horrible attitude toward the welfare of animals.
I agree with Rizks. However, I once argued the same with another QLer and his response was that "these shops are providing employment for expats"
So, at the end , the choice is ours. is like keeping an alive animal into grave ...torture till it dies
Obviously MM has different set of rules for woman, his boss and animals, who need to be put in a cage and himself.
BOXBE Bhai , Replace me in this experiment with my Boss ..... I would sure feel very happy .... ....... .... Tue, 19.11.2013, 01.14 hrs
mm...consider ur self in a cage and imagine how u would feel...try it out
Creatures will tell you that they are happy or not ......
How so many ants live in such a narrow space without any objection .... Tue, 19.11.2013, 01.05 hrs
MM...even you would be much safer in your house then be on the roads or outside never know when some crazy fella would hit you with his vehicle or you may slip from an elevator etc etc. Would you like to be put in a house under lock and key, for your safety.
"they are getting food and water' by giving the food and water occasionally and putting 10-20 animals in one small cage you think the animals are safer ?
I support ' milica ' ...... Tue, 19.11.2013, 12.57 hrs
Happy / Rizk , Why do you worry if they are getting food & water , in the cages .... animals are safer .... than crossing Wakra - Mesaieed G.T. Road .... Tue, 19.11.2013, 12.57hrs
in souq, the people selling those poor animals are ANIMALS themselves.
Have you seen the state of animals how they are kept in those cages ? :(
Why to have an animal in the name of a pet otherwise. Let them be in the open and live as they are supposed to