Can anybody Help?
Hi all!
Yesturday morning in Hilal area i faund dog with wire on her neck and its looks like she excaped abusive place she was in..She could be cross saluki,she has frendly personallity knows basic commands,but a bit unsure and scared!She was deffenatly somebodys pet before, i cant keep her becose i alredy got 2dogs and 2cats.I have tryed to call all possible places in Qatar who dealling with abbandant pets,but nobody can take her :( so far only one place promissed to help if they can as soon as and one place offered for her and my best for as little as 300QR put her down! that is disscusting and i cant let it happend! so,PLEASE if anybody interested to give her good,carring and loving home get in touch..
The problem is that the dog clearly does belong to someone as it had something, however awful, round it's neck. I would be a little wary of getting too involved. If this dog belongs to someone and they report it, it could be difficult to explain even though you are innocent. QAWS is very full and they really struggle to take in all the strays. Maybe you could care for the dog until you find a home for it.
Inquiring at is a good idea. Maybe they already have a vacant place for stray animals. Because about 2 mos ago in the advent of the incoming vacation, i read in the newspaper that thier place is already full of "animal boarder" courtesy from thier vacationing masters.
oh and Qaws help animals get a loving home so take it therew
take it or call qatar animal welfare society to take it for more info and the number of qatar animal.... visit their website