Animal World
I hope I don't upset anyone with this but I just have to have my say. I have just returned from the souq and noticed they are opening a section where they sell all types of birds. I was absolutely shocked to see how traumatized the birds there were. Having reared and owned parrots most my life I can just warn anyone buying a parrot from this place will have endless behaviour problems with them. Granted, they are fed and watered but are exposed to so much noise and people knocking on cages, one African Grey in particular was actually screaming in fear. Owning a parrot is a big commitment and takes time and patience not something you can just take an interest in when you feel like it. I am so shocked at what I saw. Just be warned these poor birds are extremely traumatised and will not make good pets. I would like to actually find out how they end up here in Qatar as some of them are still very young birds less that a year old. Sorry but this really got my blood boiling.
Im glad u bought this subject up on the welfare on animals here in Qatar, have you been in the zoo? it's even worse animals kept in small cages also children and adults throwing food at the cages while staff look on, i was digusted, animals in distress rocking backwards and forwards i had to leave as i couldnt see anymore, it was a joke, you would think they would have decent facilities here !!
The Good thing about WW2 is that not only German or selected race "like some people who is trying to spread over" died.
No i think 55 Mio people lost thier life in that 5 years.
Unlike the Palestenians who have been alone for the last 60 Years and in this seige are alone and for this month massacre alone also.
But again regretfully those birds and animals need to be looked after...!!!!!
How very silly to bring your political feelings into a post like this. This is a QUESTION and ANSWER FORUM, not a forum for you to vent your political feelings. Start a thread in the forum section to do that.
Anyway, yes, I agree. And how do you know that they have been captive bred? They come in mostly from Eqypt, I recently heard of an adult Macaw being bought from a dealer in Egypt. He had probably been trapped and then sold by an Egptian company along with "paperwork"
It is illegal to traffic, buy and sell wild creatures that you suspect may have been trapped from their natural habitat whether it's baby big cats (popular pets also) rare birds or reptiles. Shame on anyone who supports this filthy trade and thank you for pointing it out.
Not very many people care to jot down a note on birds these days. But definitely your msg would alert for those on the look.
so we should ignore the pain and suffering of these birds because there are worse things happening? Why can't we care about all these problems and do what we can to try and solve all of them?
Palestine is 1 month.. my grandfathers died in World war... which was almost for 5 years..
so just keep the subject..
It's always will be compared to worse..
Palestine is 1 month.. my grandfathers died in World war... which was almost for 5 years..
so just keep the subject..
It's always will be compared to worse..
Woow Really...Woow again...!! So Bad....But i think those animals and birds are still in much better situation than the Palesenian who are being bombed and killed for the last 1 month infront of the whole human being world "including you" and who are in a big siege for last 3 years...!!!! those animals are in much much better situaion....
But thank you very much for the feelings "for the animals" !!!