Abandoned Cats!

By marhabtain •
My neighbour has just gone on holiday for 10 days to Tosser del Mar. He has left a cat and 5 kittens locked in the flat and no one is looking after them. I have managed to get 4 tins of Tuna and 3 tins of Fruit salad to them through a tiny orrifice - oh and a can opener. I need to know if they will survive or if I should feed a tube from my car exhaust into them to finish them off quickly?
I suppose you are trying to be funny he. Talking out of your orifice!
i m sure they will survive ~
Of course cats can't eat fruit salad. What were you thinking? However everyone knows milk isn't good for cats. much better to give them water or gin. I also think you could have been considerate enough to give them ring pull cans rather than expect them to use a can opener.
You love being the centre of attention, don't you?
If you were successful in feeding them though the opening that you found, carry on doing the same. They have a fare chance of survival during the next then days. Please don't finish them. Life should be supported.
Fruit salad is no food for the cats! Give them milk and any kind of minced meat.
Get a life.