teaching jobs

Hi and Keefak all!
I am asking for any and all information anyone might be able to give me about teaching jobs in Qatar. To give you a little background info:
I'm 31 and my husband is 38 and we have two children aged 2 and 3. We are both experienced high school maths teachers in Australia. I'm also a qualified careers and guidance counsellor, although I don't have much experience in that area. If we did move over to Qatar for work then only one of us would work, the other would mind the children.
Please, any information about the following would be greatly appreciated:
-salary ranges (avg)
-packages that can be expected ie flights and accom included?
-recommended and not recommended schools to teach at
-areas recommended to live in
-ex pat communities and opportunities for socialisation with other families
-medical system
-recommended agencies that recruit teachers for qatar
-anything else that you can possibly think of!
What sort of salary can an Australian secondary maths teacher with 7 yrs experience expect? What about one with 17 yrs?
I really don't know where to even begin with other information that I need. If you can think of anything else I might need to know at this stage I would be most grateful.
try the websites of the schools themselves in the job opportunities section. I am Australian been teaching out here for 2yrs 6months it really depends on the school in regards to pay scale, each school will cover your accommodation, flights out as well as return flights home once a year (some schools have more) as well as an amount for transport. I am not going to comment about schools here you really need to find that out for yourself, most schools here operate on the british system with some teaching IB. The kids are generally really motivated and you wont have any issues with behaviour. PM me if you want any more information.
In Qatar, as in UAE and Oman - it is not usual to use agencies. You apply directly to the various institutions you have interest in.
www.daveseslcafe.com may be able to help give you some names of reputable k-12 private schools. Otherwise, government schools are graduating to a charter school system that I'm not familiar with and would honestly be wary of just because it is in its infancy (I don't know anything detrimental, but experience in the GCC would probably mean some big problems in the starting out stages - but the Government is behind it and seems to be supporting it for now).
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
you can look in two places for your answers:
a.Here on QL about schools and socialising
b. www.tes.co.uk - schools and salary rates
it does depend what school you teach at.