strange phone call!!!!!! I need your help (serious)

I replyed to a job offer on a web site (position: communication manager) by email and few hours later I recieved a phone call from the company to have an interview.
The person who called me was not concerned about my qualifications but more about my dressing code!!!!
the phone conversation was casual and she let me decide on the time of the interview!!!
when I asked her about the position she told me that they have other positions and I'll be able to choose from them the one I like!!!!!!!!
My question is:
this's my first interview in Qatar so is this the way companies do the interview???
I'm suspecious!!!! please help me to decide.
The interview tomorrow
it's a french website for the francophone living in Qatar
In which website did you find out about the opening for that speciic company.
It could be useful for others as well to be sent as a warning.
lima foxtrot thanks a lot
Actually, after discussing the subject with my HB he convinced me(90%) to stay at home for a while (I was shaking when I was telling him about the forum and the company)
I'm still shocked coz I did not believe what I read in the begining
and people were wondering why I don't feel good here!!!!!
you can try the following agencies<
Reed -,+
Claredon Parker -
Kershaw Leonard -
You must have a companion, you know just in case! Good luck
Many thanks to all of you for your reply.
ChupaRustom do you mean that my hubby should go with me or assist to the interview???
lima foxtrot would be grateful if you could give me links of agencies in Doha
thanks in advance
Quand on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, il faut aimer ce qu'on a
it maybe better to register with an agency. Good luck anyway.
not all firms are bad DHW but be cautious and dont go alone to any interviews
That company is an exception and I still wonder how is it allowed to exist.
Most of the wives/daughters here are working and usually they are not complaining. On the contrary, they are enjoying their work and have a good way to spend their time in a productive manner.
someone has to stop them...
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
I am damn new to this place. Plz seek advise from people with more insights of Qatar and Doha.
So it's real??!!!
Thanks for your reply. now I'll think twice before replying to any offer.
If I relate this to my HB he'll tell me to forget about working
when I first started reading your post, it reminded me of this posting!!
Are you talking about the same company at the C-Ring road near Cinema signals. If yes, forget about it without regret.
the same name, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes
Quand on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, il faut aimer ce qu'on a
Hi, you can send it [email protected] . I am also a management professional . But I am new to Doha(One month).
But is it the same company?
thanks syamsat, on the web site it's exactly what they mentionned
however, on QL a forum topic chocked me !!!!
can I poste it here????
Quand on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, il faut aimer ce qu'on a
Do not expect to have profesionalism.
Tell you a secret. Most of the staff here are recruited without proper/professional assesment. Let aside the interviews. For this reason the quality of works and services here are below average.
Do they have a website? Google the company name aswell , to check are the doing the kind of business they mentioned to you.
Scarlett, howdy???
HB is not free and thinks I should not go coz he's suspecious too.
Quand on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, il faut aimer ce qu'on a
hi, long time no see ya...
Take your hubby along with you..if its one of the ones Chupa said, then just leave...if it was for real, then enjoy the relaxed situation and go get 'em!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
thanks for your reply
qatarisun it's not an agency, they called me from the concerned company and they gived me the location
ChupaRustom. it's serious and I'm not planning to attend a party with my Master's degree in Marketing and years of experience as an Operation Manager
Quand on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, il faut aimer ce qu'on a
to attend parties? as what? as an escort person??
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
could be one of those where they need gals n buys to attend parties my friend was invited once
a Job Agency? and they want just to register you...then they will give you some test to do.. and that is might be it....
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]