Settling down in Qatar

Hi All,
My English fiance will be working in Qatar for the foreseeable future (4-5 years) and so I have moved out here at the same time getting ready to settle down with him here.
My background's in project management (IT) with IBM & a leading construction company - however I'll be interested in ANY big or mini project management related jobs, i.e. Secretarial, Events Management, Sales, Project Management. I love co-ordinating events or managing teams and am a great team player.
I haven't had much success in getting a job and am desperate for some help/advice soon!
(Have approached local Qatar recruitment agencies and online job sites)
Anyone out there need an extra hand with anything at all?!
and land on the moon - perhaps we'd still find ourselves with something that's "out this world" !
You should also be aware that it is illegal to cohabit with a member of the opposite sex if you are not married.
There are people who do so but the consequences can be severe if someone knows your status and is vindictive towards you for whatever reason.
The police will not seek you out but they will act on complaints.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Contact Fernando
[email protected]
Send your CV to him.. he recently opened an Events Management company and may need staff.