From QP to Rasgas??
Sorry that i post this again..
My hubby is working for QP, in 7/7 work rotation meanwhile I and our baby must stay at our home country since i still have my study here..I just thinking that if he can get a 28/28 rotation, such as what they offered in Rasgas, he can go back and our family can have at least one month of normal family life in every 2 months..The thing is some people said that once you are working at QP or any of its subsidiary, its impossible to be accepted by Rasgas, even -in extreme words- when your qualification is exceeding their request..
Is there some one can advise me whether its true or not? If so, i just dont understand the reason.. Can anyone advise me?
Appreciate for any advise or comments, or maybe any help..Thanks.
QP and Rasgas are both government companies. If he works with QP , he cannot hop to Rasgas .