Mystery Shoppers Wanted
Hi there!
We are looking for people who would be interested in part time mystery shoppers.
We have several different projects in Qatar primarily banking and hospitality and would be keen to meet with you should you be interested in earning some extra money every month.
We are especially keen to hear from you should you wish to change/open a new bank account in the near future.
If you would be keen in taking part in these ongoing projects, please register your details at and you will be contacted in due course.
Many thanks,
The knowledgeTRAK Team
Dear All,
Thank you for the discussion, Chocaholic your almost correct, one of our client is a bank, and we also have a few restaurants where you can go and get paid to eat.
We are looking for people who have an account with that bank, OR if not then people who are keen to open a bank account with them and make extra cash on the side while working with us and our clients by filling in reports about their customer service. The timing is sort of flexible.
The shoppers that stand out with the bank work, will end up doing some restaurants. We are based in Dubai, and planning to spread out into Qatar and other GCC countries.
Here is our website
Thank you for becoming shoppers on
If you want to know more information, you may email me at [email protected]
Have a nice day.
Ha ha, nomerci - now there's a point I bet didn't occur to them! :)
count me in
Well, then they need one of each resident nationalities they all are treated different.
your right choca. you cannnot check the service of bank personnel unless you have an account with them.. :)
Britexpat, you needn't worry about dressing up for the malls.
From this post, it seems that they require the Mystery Shopper's services primarily for hotels and banks.
Britexpat, you needn't worry about dressing up for the malls.
From this post, it seems that they require the Mystery Shopper's services primarily for hotels and banks.
Mystery shopping should be fun here, given the wonderful manners one usually encounters! :)
I don't know if this person/organisation is legit, but I think that what they mean by opening/changing a bank account is this : one of their clients is a bank, and they want the mystery shopper to be a customer about to open an account, and hence be in a position to report back on the service, efficiency etc. in that process.
hehehe.."Silly Falooda Drinker"...:)
britey make sure u wear tat blonde wig too ! :(
You silly Falooda drinker..
My thong will be hidden by my silk Sarong (not Lungi)
britey we will be allowed ONLY, if you are dressed up in your Pink Thong and holding a Pink hand bag....otherwise, NO ! :(
The problem for myself and Rizku is that we won't be allowed into the mall do to our research..
We need Snessy and yourself to accompany us..
Brit, stop Toyah-ing with Risks ;o)
"A shot in the dark..."
wat kinda shot you mean ? :(
It's a mystery, oh, it's a mystery
I'm still searching for a clue
It's a mystery to me
A shot in the dark
The big question mark in history
Is it a mystery to you?
That is very true!lol :0)
Brite... dont go for Falooda scam. I dont want anyone to be fooled. No confirmation from any QL member yet on the info.
LIS the condition of your head is a big Mystery....:(
Mystery shopping would be a blast here! what with the superb service on offer and the manners shown to shoppers.
Intelligent...sorry have a Date ! :(
Britey why dont u accompany Jackmohan and have Falooda instead ?
Brite... Thank you but I am bit busy too, have some prior engagements. Why dont you accompany Rizks to Shahaniya instead. :D
Look Chocoholic is already out shopping for a Mystery Valentine Gift for me. So, why not go with Intelligent instead..
seriously ethos, i'm interested. can you pm me other contact number?
Darude... Its from the JIN.
Good try.
plus is that msg from mod or from you?
Darude... [Message from MOD]
This aint a dating site. If you are searching for partners search else where. :D
I am too a Mystery shopper...
Everytime when i go to shop, i do mouth watching instead of tat called Mystery shopping ? :(
Hey! I was a mystery shopper before. I'm interested. But the problem is the link you gave is restricted in our office. Why?
and i want chocoholic to be my partner
"Mystery Shoppers" are people who go shopping mysteriously, like yo wont tell ur parents, wife, husband, family about that shopping
What do you mean by mystery shoppers? Do you shop till you drop?
That's truly Islamic Banking.
i think I understand. First they will open a bank account for us and then give us money to do some mystery shopping ..
Mysterious..... just sooooooo mysterious..
can you be specific wat you want ?
A Mystery Shopper or someone to open/change a bank account ? :(
me conphuje...:(
First time poster................smells like SPAM.
Please provide a few more details. The website you point to tells me nothing about what you are trying to do or how much I can earn.
You want a mystery Shopper, but also someone who wants to open/change a bank account ..
Me me