Midwives in Doha?

By missmoneypenny •
I have an Australian friend who is an experienced midwife in Australia and would like to move to Doha and work.
What is the salary like here for midwives?
What is the best way for her to go about finding the work?
Pleasssse help if you can! Thankyou,
x miss moneypenny
A few of them, they're only allowed to work as Medical Asst. in any Ob-Gyne clinic.
The HMC, hired a qualified Midwife-Nurse(NOT a graduate midwife only) to works at delivery room due to JCI standard.
with the wide spread of hospitals and Dr's I didnt know that mid wives still exist
Accordingly, midwives are not allowed to work as a Dental Asst. here in Qatar, contrary to my previous post in this thread.
Only a person trained General Nursing & Midwifery Course can work as Nurse and Midwife.
Many countries will give Nursing training in Particular field and they cant work in all other fields in Health care.
Recently , I heard through a friend that even local hospitals are collecting certain details from the present staff weather they have done Nursing & mid wifery course if they have are working in a womens hospitals.
is a midwife like a qualified nurse, because nruses at HMC act as the midwives and carry out the deliveries.if so then she can apply in womens hospital.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
I'm not sure if HMC is already hiring midwives now? I knew, they only hired nurses even at Delivery rooms.
But midwives can work here at any OB-gyne clinic as Doctor's Asst. and Dental Asst.