HI !!
I am the owner of the Chicken Chef Restaurant in Azizia Road. I am currently looking for part time or full time staff for the restaurant. The following jobs are available
1. Sales woman Salary
2. Chef
3. Delivery
4. Manager
The salary for the full time sales is 2000 QR start up and one finished grace period of 6 month it will increase to 2700QR.. for part time is 1300QR
The Salary for Chef is 3000 QR in condition to be experienced in baking , cooking all type of cosines.
The salary for delivery is 800 QR including commissions and a valid Qatari driving license is a must.
The salary of Manager is dependant of experience and qualifications
If you are interested send us a fax with you CV , contact number to ( +974 4475290 )
Look forwared to have you part of my team.