looking for job

By miskeenbillah •
Salam alaykum,
My name is Mubaraq Animashaun from lagos,Nigeria.I am so worried that after so many attempts at finding jobs in the middle east online,i am yet to be successful.I am sure that being from Nigeria has made it extremely difficult for me to get a job due to the so many bad stories that comes out from here.I have heard lots of stories vis a vis how people make dirty deals online.I have decided that i will try my best to get help legally no matter the time it takes.I have a dream that i do not want to make money the haram way.I will be glad if there is anyone out there that will be willing to get a good job in Qatar.May Allah be our guide.Maasalam.
in libya,the people dont like blacks at all.they treat us as if we are less humans.anyone that has been there will understand what i am saying.Even the Egyptians get kicked if their libya employers feel dissatisfied,anyone that has been in Sabah,Libya will bear me witness.
Libya??where came in Libya from he is from Lagos nigeria. do u use glasses. guess u need to change than. :)