Job offers(I'm graduating in May) please help
I'm graduating from VCU with an Information Systems degree this May and I'm searching for a job in Qatar. I honestly feel in love with Qatar and hopefully by the end of the year I'll be living in Qatar. If anyone could help me to get on the right path that would be greatly appreciated. I'll provide my CV and resume.. Also if anyone would provide information how being an Expat in Qatar is.
thanks in advance
i really appreciate the info.. I'm going to see if there any opportunities with the Qatar Foundation.
I think QU offers master's in some programs, although it is moving to Arabic instruction. Check out Carnegie Mellon, VCU, Texas A&M, Northwestern, and Georgetown. Won't be cheap.
Thanks for the heads up. I was wondering though if it would be possible if I could get my masters in Qatar and if there is which universities I could apply to.
Maurice, generally Western expats aren't hired without extensive experience in their fields. You might get an entry level job but it will pay less than minimum wage and the working conditions will be fairly appalling. However, you have connections with VCU. Try to use those. Good luck!