Job issue.........!

I'm an IT Professional from Sri Lanka. Currently on 6 month Visit Visa. 3 months have already gone. But I could not get a job. I wish to know whether it is worth waiting for next 3 months or else I should go back home. Someone said, as Ramazan season is coming, searching a job is difficult in the net few months. Please advice in this regard.
Mackman, usually job seekers get desperate whe they near the last week of stay.. Stay put... Get in touch with people.. Be where the world is like gatherings, get togethers,church, games, etc. Keep copies of your CV's with you always in those thin individual plastic cases.. Strike at the oppurtunity... And try putting your ads in the newspapers and QL classified constantly...
Please dont lose the good will of QL family by posting your ads in the forums or Question section.
God will be with you. Pray hard. Keep posting in QL. We are here to hear you out.. :-)
Pls call me this no 6574385
Paul the Octopus related with 2010 FIFA World Cup,
anyways it is not the correct way to reply someone who asks for help.
mackman,you have 3 months time and Try your best with confidence.If you have the willpower everything will comes to you.
knock 100 doors,1 will open for you.
haha... maybe paul can answer all our queries...
Who is Paul?
did u try asking Paul?