IT opportunities unix oracle solaris

By solaris-unix •
Good morning to all,
I have one question about the IT market in Qatar and EAU
Are they a market for my skills?
I am a oracle/solaris system engineer with more 10 years of experience.
If yes, have you some contacts or name of company who they find my skills?
salam ,
I'm an engineer .Holds Bachelor's degree / higher diploma in Information Technology at Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology .
also I study CCNA courses .
and I life in outside Qatar . I would like come to Qatar and work in it .
please , Could you tell me how to get it ?
am also searching a in Oracle field.but i have only 2+years exp in oracle development.i have OCP also.can i get a job if i came there for 3-6 months.what about development Opening in oracle there?
Salam to all,
I have one proposition "IT Engineer" in Doha with a salary of 15000 QAD/month.
Is this a good salary? Can I live with this salary ?
Best Regards
are you still looking for solaris jobs here in qatar? please send me your CV if interested. [email protected]
It s very damage, because I can t imagine a critical server (in Bank market with Windows or others)under windows. Oracle/Solaris, HP UX, Aix or Linux are unix very stable (no rebbot since 2 years), you can virtualize and many things...
What can I do for find a job ?
Yes, that is true Unix/Linux are unknown in this part of the world, Inspite of being a Linux system administrator for the last 5 years after coming to Qatar, I have shifted gears completely as there is no Unix or Linux work at all.
their area few companies you can apply to in Doha.
- International Turnkey Systems (located in Salam Tower 5th floor, corniche)
- Mannia IT Division ( I heard they are seeking Solaris Engineers by the mass)
- Cooperative IT Solutions (Fairly new startup here in Qatar)
- Ominix (owned by Salam Group)
The 5 companies above are all Oracle partners and have a lot of clients in the banking sector and Oil/Gas. But working for them isn't worth a consultant with 10+ years experience like yourself you won't get more then 12-15k tops!! Whereas if you are the actual client working in the banks or oil/gas industries expect salaries in the range of 20-50k +++ .......I no all this because I am in the same field as you and worked in one of the above companies....I have since left technical side and do Project Management now :)
That would be some banks or large corporations. Everybody else is using Windows. Most of the people don't even know about Sun Solaris.