Investing in Nakilat (Qatar Gas Tranp Co)

As a continuation from yesterday. Sorry I forgot the attachment- here's the link:
To summarise the recommendation:
'Nakilat's share price is highly attractive as it offers a low risk/high return investment oppurtunity'
Does US needs any other justification to stay in afghanistan forever?
Discounted cash flows were used in the valuation.
If you have time read the article- it is pretty comprehensive
I believe that share is due for a bounce in the next couple of months (after half yr results)
Main reason is the share has suffered due to negative publicity centered around reports that ships have been idling- my point is that even if this is true QGTS's corerevenue is guaranteed as a result of long term leases
exiled saint- sharing is caring???? The fact of the matter is we going purely on a fundamental basis- most people don't have access to information in this region.
I have been transparent and admitted that I already have the share.
Two key things to know before investing in stocks are The target price and The time horizon. You have mentioned neither. The stuff you have mentioned are those sugar coated purely qualitative or pseudo quantitative pills that unscruplous wealth advisors give to their bovine clients.
I am not doubting your credentials and you may have done excellent research but i would like to know more about it before putting my Money in it. So tell me what is your time horizon as being patient is not good enough and by using what method did u reach the target price...Free cash flow, comparative P/E or other ratios? Also, I would like to know the business model of this company.
I think I would not take advice from you. If it's such a good deal you would keep it to yourself so you could make lots of money...... Unless you already hold the shares and want to drive the price up by posting fake tips
For those that did not see my post yesterday...
I have come across several articles (see attached) that highlight that Nakilat is significantly overweight, implying that in Laymans terms there is at least 25% upside potential, but for some reason or other the share is underperforming. According to my analysis the share is a 'screaming buy' but as a result of the following:
-the share is very close to its 52 week low
-the share has strong resistance at the it current level
-2009 results were above expectations
- a reasonable dividend was paid out even though it is not yet fully operational
- income, for the most part is guaranteed as a result of long term agreeements with its customers
- the share is very liquid(nearly always in the top 10 traded)
I have practised what I have preached and have bought the share and being patient
What do you guys think?