inquiry to change job

Hi all. I am very new here in Qatar. this is my fourth month. I am working as a business development manager in a construction company. i have a very successful career track and am developing fast here too. by this time i got 2-3 offer from different person to join their company. can any one give me any idea about the law of changing from one job to another. please note that i have signed a one year agreement with my current employer for the akama.
it will be a great help if someone can give me a good suggestion. you can mail if you wish in emon_nsu /at/
thanks crazy88. the concludion that i can draw is that i can change my job any time if i have noc. no matter if its my fourth month in Qatar. Please do remember that i have a one year agreement with my current company. but still i can manage the noc in the middle.
appreciate u peoples response. thanks :-)
No noc, no changing jobs.
Hey !
Welcome to Qatar. We are glad to know that you are doing well at your job and equally happy that other companies are recognizing your capabilities.
Changing jobs is dependent upon your ability to obtain an NOC from your present company. In addition to this, some cases require that the employee must have worked for atleast 2 years in the firm before making a shift. This might be different for a person under a project / contractual purposes wherein the employer let him change to another company towards the end of his project / contract.
The bottom line is -- you need a NOC to move to another firm. You might want to start working on equiring about that first.
Good luck.
since you are in your 4th month, why not finish it to a year? you didnt specify how many months or years is your contract. im assuming 1year since that is what you stated.