I want to start a buisness

By Ahamed Arsath •
Please any one advice me to establish a buisness in Qatar.I am capable to Invest money in any discipline.but i dont have experience in Qatar local market knowledge?please help me to find suitable buisness which will make more profit and reliable for some time.
i have many things in my mind
different kind of business
do not hesitate to contacte me if you want to discuss about it
i am doing building maintenance .. i have idea to start trading and expant my business... i have some big project also but at the moment i cant take because i dont have enough workers... call me my number if you interested to business with our company 55278899
Varghese Thettayil can you pls call me
Im Qatari and intrested to deal with Indian after we share what u have and what ideas i have
u can call any time from 8 am till 4 pm
33819410 Mohd
My name is Varghese Thettayil, Indian national. I like to share some busienss ideas to u and if interested let me know
call me on 66145783 or e-mail [email protected]
I find a local sponsor and best and cheapest office location too