how can a language teacher find a job in Doha
By flowerpickers22 •
hello eveybody, I am planning to come to Doha in late august early sep bcz my fiancee has a job there. Im a trained english language teacher and would like to find out where I could find some employment in the city ..... any advice will greatly be appreciated
qhris and frenchie went up the hill
to blow up mods willy
qhris came down
frenchieman came yelling stuck in his behind after
And often the requirements include "native English speaking."
If you have a PGCE (UK) qualification it will be very easy for you to get a teaching job in leading schools here
Also you will need a sponsored job. Qualifications and experience play a big part for EFL/ESL teachers. Many positions require a minimum of a related masters degree and 3+ years post grad experience.
Your profile says write that means a lesbian relationship. Unless you meant fiance which would mean a male.
Anyway it depends on your qualifications. If you have a master's degree you can apply at the universities. You need to go to their websites and fill in their online applications.
Language teaching centers maybe?