Hello everyone.
I just finished my high school and am free for a while so am looking for a part time job.
Can any body tell me where i can find suitable part time job for summer?
I don't want to waste my holidays i want to utilize it with doing something. So please can anyone help where can fresh comers( just out of high school) can apply?
Over here in Qatar vacations are soo boring thats why i am searching.
@ Pri well good idea thanks :)
VOLUNTEER!, You said you don't want to be bored, you didn't say anything about wanting to be paid for your time! There are lots of organizations that would accept your help.
teach ur favourite subjects / crafts for small children. u can enjoy as well as earn money.
Its really tough to get a part time job in qatar. i guess you better enjoy ur vacation
[email protected]
Still Searching??????????? hmmm i think in Ql is not interested to help out anyone......
people gives hell lot of Comments for unnecessary things
BUT Y NOT HELP?????????????????????
Very Sad to see only 2 comments in u'r post
It can be any kind of part time job for eg promotions or anything. but it should be respectable. i mean by thats is in a healthy environment.
looking for job in what field?
The holiday are long so i really don't want to get that bore so thats why want to do part time some where.
i think you need to enjoy your Holidays now.....
hmmmm even its good to get into some Part time Jobs
All The Best