Finding work in Doha easy/hard?

Hi everyone!
I'm an Aussie (Chinese descent) who is looking to move to Qatar in February 2010. I am looking for work there and am a qualified Zoologist (scientific researcher) but have not really been able to find any work of this nature online. However, I am also an experienced veterinary nurse and receptionist, so I thought that perhaps my best bet of finding work there would be as a hotel receptionist?
Although I know it is ideal to find work before I arrive, I am worried that I will not and therefore the pressure will be on when I arrive to find something. Is it hard or easy to find work of this nature in Doha?? Also, will I run into any problems as I look very much Asian (even though I have a complete Aussie accent)? I ask this as I thought I read that people from Asia tend to get classed lower there and get underpar work contracts??
Thanks for your help guys! :)
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
Why do you want to come to Qatar?
Unfortunately yes, you will be prejudged by your appearance. Most hotel reception jobs are filled by asians (mostly Philippino that I've observed) and you would not be offered a wage similar to positions in Australia.
There are several vet practices here run by European or Western vets or educated there - you may have some luck with them.
Getting work once you arrive means you're at the mercy of the sponsor (probably no flight, accomodation or other allowances provided and they might not hire you if they have to sponsor you - a lot prefer to do local hires that are sponsored by their husbands)
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)