Experienced UK Operations / General Manager

I was recently made redundant in the UK, (Just before Christmas - Merry Christmas!!). I am an experienced senior Operations / General Manager. Past, extremely successful, experience includes complete responsibility / accountability for the management and development of 7 Contract Manager direct reports, 450 colleagues within cross functional teams and complex P&L in excess of £8m. Extensive experience of working to service level agreements and key performance indicators, with an autonomous remit to take remedial action when necessary across a Regional, multi site, business area. My skills are wholly transferable within most operational positions and my primary skills are: Project Management, Business Development, Strategy Definition & Execution, Influence, Customer Service, People Management & Development, Developing Relationships.
If any organisation is looking for proven, demonstrable general management experience, or anybody knows of any relevant vacancies, please let me know.
I am visiting Doha on the 18th February 09 for a month and consequently would be available for interview, or informal discussion until the 18th March 09.
Thanks in advance.
Sent you a mail. Is it still snowing?
Thats a considerably sized arse, hence him having to time his tackles on a calendar.
Lampard going off...what an arse.
Very jealous of your sun :-)
Have a good one and thanks for your offer of help.
"United's flag is deepest red"
Just about to watch it here. Very jealous of the snow. Praying for the draw.
Hi Gladys, very much appreciated. By the way, it is snowing here in Manchester! Fingers crossed for a Liverpool and Chelsea draw today, accompanied by numerous red cards.
Anything to help a fellow Man Utd fan! I will show my husband your topic when he gets in from work he may be able to help with names etc. Will keep you posted with any news I may have.