Company Politics - Qatar Petroleum Job Offer
By cristinanasir •
I have been offered a job at Qatar Petroleum IT department. However I have told by a couple of relations in the company that there are some serious politics going on between the Manager of IT Department and Director of QP Administration. Both are local, but DA is from the royal family and he is winning the cold war by neglecting the general and administrative requirements of the department. Due to this IT department staff is suffering seriously. They recommended not to join this department.
Agree with i-moody - unethical and unprofessional to post that info on a public forum. Suggest you do your research and PM selected individuals whom you think can answer your queries, not to the public like this.
By the way, it's defamatory - you're stating negative stuff, specifying the persons and this would damage their reputations, lowering esteem in the eyes of the ordinary man in the street. Objective test. I'd be very careful, if I were you. One of your defences is justification so hell, I hope you can justify your statements.
If the deal is good or better than what you're getting currently, I suggest you ignore talk (even though I'm sure your relatives want what's best for you) but it is always better to assess for yourself when you are here on the ground itself. No one knows a situation better unless one is faced with it (unless your relatives are certain, etc - that's a different thing and I won't go there). (But... the very fact that you posted your query here shows that you are not 100% certain of them - so be aware of how many people you have caused harm to, without thinking). There's always an additional side to a story, other than the involved parties - the additional side of truth and actual reality, which can usually only be seen when you are objective. Good luck!
Life is short. Live it to the fullest!
how much they are offering you?
QP is not as bad as u ppl say. they pay well n take care of their staff. btu still th ppl ll be cribbing. u can never satisfy ppl even if they get gold plated beds. they would want complete gold beds then.
If they are paying well and have decent benefits, then even I would go for it..
who is the current IT manager for Qatar Petroleum
overlook, pm me plsssssssssssssssss
QP is the most messed up, mixed up, illogical, racially biased and poorly administrated company in existence. Anybody with a modicum of sense and decency would not work for them.
its unethical to discuss inside info like this let alone you might get into i would not dare do like u. u r very brave
Politics in a company- cannot be. Never heard of it happenen in company!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok and whts the question here?
-------------------sshwalleleh sshwalleloh-------------