company info on Conoco Phillips Qatar
For those who work or know people who work in Conoco Phillips Qatar, could you kindly give information on the company?
How is it as an employer? How many staff do they currently have?
How does it compare to the likes of Shell, Qatar Foundation, Rasgas, and Qatargas in terms of salary, compensation, and allowances for professional roles?
1-Personal Details
First Name Majd
Surname AlNada
Date of Birth 4/3/1984
Permanent Address ALSoor village – Deir Ez zor –Syria
Phone No. 00963-988-185663 .
Mailing Address [email protected]
Qualifications Petroleum institute
Driving License Syrian driving license Type ( B )
Nationality Syrian
Marital Status Single
Languages English (good)- Arabic
Computer Skills Word and excel
I was working in P.P.S(Pacific Process Systems Middle East) company as Operator in well test
As production operator from 2004 up to 2005.
Then I joint Deir Ezzor petroleum Company (DEZPC) in Syria from 2005 as
production operator till 2007.
From March/2007 now I am free without any works.
I was in charge of the following:
Wellhead All operation on SSV & SCSSV ,X tree valves leakage test , function test , greasing of valves , DWT of gauges, Bar flex .
Wire line operations supervision.
Central production Facilities including gathering station, dehydration tank, desolaters & gas boot.
Production water system Including slop oil pit, slop oil tank, skim tank, induced gas flotation unit, filter and injection unit to disposal wells.
Water injection unit Including HP reciprocating pumps and water injection wells.
Power generation unit Including gas generator , diesel generator.
Water treatment unit Including multistage filter.
Gas processing unit Including HP and LP scrubber’s heat exchangers.
Shipping station Including floating roof storage tanks metering unit, boosting and shipping pumps.
Utilities Fuel Gas Sys, Inst Air Sys, Flare Sys, Closed & Opened Drain,
Fire Fighting Sys.
3-Nature of Duties
1. Control room operation .
2. Supervision of wire line operations.
3. Safety accredited to follow operation in the plant.
4. Start up & shut down operations of the plant
5. Member of the fire fighting team.
Wellhead All operation on SSV & SCSSV, X tree valves leak test, function test, DWT of gauges
Wire line operations supervision.
Water injection unit High pressure reciprocating pumps & injection wells.
Fresh water treatment unit Multi stage filters & O2 stripping column.
Power generation unit Duel fuel turbines & diesel engine driven generator.
Produced water treatment unit Slop oil tank, skim oil tank, slop pit, induced gas flotation unit & water filters
Gas processing unit H.P & L.P gas scrubbers, heat exchangers, gas dehydration H.P & L.P knock out drums, flare stack.
Shipping station Floating roof storage tanks, metering skid, boosting & shipping pumps.
Pig launcher & receiver Leak test, servicing
Chemical injection unit Reciprocating pumps, Texteam pumps.
4- Courses followed:
2004 Production course – English course LIC– P.P.S - SYRIA
2004 Safety accreditation – Fire fighting – First aid P.P.S - SYRIA
2004 (NORM) Naturally Occurring Radio Active Material ÁECS - SYRIA
2005 Plant Shut Down System (ASI-Egypt ) DEZPC - SYRIA
2005 Artificial Lift Systems (ASI-Egypt ) DEZPC - SYRIA
2006 Production Equipment Systems in Oil & Gas Operation(ASI-Egypt ) DEZPC - SYRIA
5- Other information:
I am familiar with commissioning & start up of any new operation
During my service in DEZPC I have developed good relation with various nationals & good skill of working with different natures of personnel.
I have good ability to be adapted to any working conditions.
Kindly ask you to have a chance of working in your company if so will prove myself to be trust worthily.