Cash Loan Advertisements - Eligible? or just Scams?
By BlackDiamond •
I have noticed that there's a lot of Ads posted here in QL for fast CASH LOAN with incredibly best offer that includes low rate, huge capital release, longest payment period ever and etchetera. I am doubtful that none of them is eligible to operate such business since contacts provided were only personal email address, no office information. There are often times that I almost got tempted to do some queries. But having some reservations that I may end up fall to scammers trap, I decided to post this issue that perhaps someone from this forum has valuable information and personal experience with the same to share and clarify once and for all.
b.e,.. good advice usually works best when preceded by a bad scare.
Why would anyone trust a cash loan offer posted on public website using non company emails? Anyone who takes up such an offer deserves to be fleeced.
Its just scam. ignore it :)
Leave it, BD. Don't trust anything which is too good to be true .... Mon, 11.11.2013 , 10.59 hrs .