Canadian Millwright with Associates Degrees
Hello. I am Canadian looking to move to Doha. I have a millwright's license and associates degrees in mechanical engineering and radio electronics.
I have a general idea how to look for jobs, don't think that Qatar is different from Canada in this matter:)
What I am curious about is how to better approach the job market in Qatar. Should I focus on only one field, lets say mechanics? Or look for any job that I can get and after getting it keep looking for better offer?
I've red this forum and NOC thing is a bit confusing for me. Is it true that when I sign a contract with a company there will be no way to advance in the same company or move to another for the length of a contract?
Are there any companies that offer training programs for their employees? Is it possible in Qatar to work and study at the same time to become an engineer?
Thanks in advance for all your answers!
time jobs in two different companies. Part-time jobs are basically non existent here. I'm sorry to say but with your qualifications you will not be offered any sort of salary as to what you are used to in Canada. You would be competing with people from other countries who will accept significantly lower salaries (by that I mean half to two thirds of what you are used to!)
Thanks for your advice. I just want another challenge in my life and experience Arabic culture. Surely I can experience it in Canada, to a certain extent:) There is nothing better to learn about a country, than live in that country for a while.
I am also Canadian but has an engineering degree and works in a managerial position. You will have a hard time getting a good paying job in Qatar with your qualifications. Suggest you apply only as a mechanical Trainer as a staff member in the College of North Atlantic which is a Canadian institution. Otherwise you have very little chance or you will get a very poor salary. Forget about getting degrees or work part time, it does not work this way here in Qatar.
Thanks for replies!
Another question, is it possible to have two part time jobs with two different enployers?
more often as not, they are looking for trades teachers.
trades mean something different here. A mechanic or carpenter usually has not training and the pay is atrociously low. I'd look at western style companies, particularly resources to get a wage that you might be used to.
It is difficult to advance in companies, not impossible. Usually you are hired for a job and you usually have to stay in that job once hired.
If you wish to move to another company, you must have a NOC. You can't just quit and go. You also need your employers permission for things like ; leaving the country, drivers license, bank account, liquor permit.
Education programs here are generally full time. Check out Texas A & M Qatar, College of the North Atlantic Qatar, and Qatar University.
Actually, you can move within your company, but if you quit, and the company didn't give you an NOC, you can't work in Qatar for 2 years, effective the time you leave.
This means that you should get a good job from the get go, as changing jobs in Qatar is quite a hassle...