Architecture jobs

my name is Sandra and I am interested in any advice on how to go about finding work in architecture in Doha. I just recently relocated to Doha after finished my Diploma in Architecture in the UK and am eager to get going. Any advice would be wonderful. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
thanks everyone for your suggestions. And yeas the diploma is after 5 years of study. Thanks again guys.
In Europe some 'Diplomas' are equal to a Master Degree (5 years study). A 'Diplom Engineer' is a full academic degree achievable after 5 years at university.
Also apply direct to the Architect company's. You say you have a diploma? Not sure that would be enough you really need a degree as minimum for a decent job!
Besides QL there's also something called the newspapers, put an ad in the papers as well, look up the directories for potential companies and just keep emailing your CV's. You could also expand your social network and make contacts with people that might be able to help you out personally.
1. Search QL Classifieds
2. Put ad in QL Classifieds
3. ....
4. ....