Proposal to fix retirement age of expats at 60 mooted

The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs (MADLSA) is considering a proposal to fix the retirement age of expatriates at 60.
The move, the ministry said, will make it possible to send back residents over 60 years of age to their home countries and open the door to fresh and young talent to work on development projects in line with Qatar National Vision 2030.
According to the proposal, contracts of expatriate employees will be terminated automatically once they attain the age of 60.
All benefits due to the employees, including end of service gratuity, will be paid in full before they leave the country within the legal period to be determined under the new proposal, reports Al Watan.
The ministry has recently started reviewing data regrading expat workforce and businesses that hire them.
The ministry wants businesses to keep a record of the expats who have entered the country to work in their projects.
The proposal came after it was found that many expats who entered the country to work in different development projects did not leave the country even after completion of those projects.
Courtesy: Qatar-tribune.com
Positive step - without retiring people, you cannot make place for fresh grads !
How will the fresher's / next generation get a chance?
Perhaps @60, you're financially secure and need some rest as well..
WT: My comments related to those on work visas and working for an organisation ..
I would agree about an artist - but they are usually self employed or freelance ..
However it could apply to scientists working for a company
You cannot "retire" an artist or a scientist. Picasso painted at the age of 94 until he died. It cannot be applied to all equally, as brit demands. Therefore it will be another unjust law.
I have no problem .. They can retire me at 60 - if the same rule applies to all
Brit, You are an idiot .......... It's not YOU who is to give chance to others ..........
They WILL take away from you even if you refuse when you are old ..........
Experience comes with age, but there is also a theory that for "most", as you get older , you are set in your ways and unwilling or slow to adapt to new ways of doing things.
As far as retirement is concerned, surely it is better to move on after making your money and give someone else a chance ..
Brit: Experience always comes with age and not just through text books. The younger generation may be loaded with ideas gained from the classrooms but when it comes to real life, experience counts.
Take for example the age of world leaders today. Hillary Clinton is 68; Donald Trump is 70; Narendar Modi who leads the world's largest democracy is 65; the current Prime Minster of China is 61; Theresa May the new British Prime Minister will turn 60 very soon; Nawaz Sharif is 66. Egyptian President Abdul Fatah el-Sisi is 61.
Almost all world leaders have passed 60! And yet the people trust them to lead their countries.
The answer is short and simple: Experience comes only with age and knowledge gained through experience cannot be had in classrooms and through books.
Secondly, what would such people do when they still still have the energy within them and would love to continue contributing to the world? A good example is that of teaching. Today's education which has now become commercial, is no match to that of the education of the 50s and 60s. The older generation would love to leave behind some of things they learnt in the past before they quit the world. There are several other questions that come to mind. Should age become a barrier to one earning his bread and keeping himself alive? What should such people do for the remaining part of their lives when they may not get the support from their family members and begin to become a burden on them? Should they go around streets with a begging bowl in hand cursing laws that stop them from earning bread in a decent manner? Steps should be taken by all governments to support such people who fall into this age group, and charity is not the answer. Those who plan to implement such laws do not realize that tomorrow it is going to be their turn.
Mufti: in my opinion, there are to benefits here. Firstly, the companies save onlonger term benefits payouts. Secondly, there is rcycling of talen, and youngsters with innovative ideas get a chance
How does age matter. It is all about skills.
This is a good idea. However, it must be implemented with NO exceptions. Fairness to all.
"The proposal came after it was found that many expats who entered the country to work in different development projects did not leave the country even after completion of those projects." - How can this be ? How are they renewing their RPs
60 is just perfect ..................... to sit down ............................