Pakistan embassy to relocate to new premises within two years

The Embassy of Pakistan will be relocated to a more spacious premise within two years in order to create more convenience for community members seeking consular services, Pakistan Ambassador to Qatar Shahzad Ahmad has said.
Speaking at a Community Open House, the ambassador said, "Despite the limited available human resources and space, we’re still trying to improve the quality of our services. Within the next two years, the new embassy premises will be ready with almost twice the size of the present space and waiting lounges. The designs of the new embassy buildings are ready and we’re in the process of inviting tenders from contractors."
Responding to an observation by a community member about the availability of only one cashier window for both men and women, Ambassador Ahmad said he was already in contact with the bank authorities to make payment of consular fees more convenient.
He added that the bank managements are working on indentifying suitable branches for depositing consular fees as well as introducing online payment facilities.
Regarding Pakistan National ID Cards processing and renewals, the envoy said the working hours of the section concerned has been increased by two hours from 3pm to 5pm.
The ambassador heard various concerns from community members and offered solution to some of the issues immediately.
He also received a number of labour-related cases and directed Community Welfare Attache Hafiz Junaid to look into the matters for immediate action.
Sa'adia Gohar, passport officer at the embassy, said that the embassy provides 24 hours emergency services to Pakistan passport holders, especially those unable to travel because their passports have expired.
She said that about 150 applications for passport renewal are received daily, 75% of which have expired long ago.
She advised the community members to always check their passports' expiry dates and apply for renewal promptly to avoid any complications.
Courtesy: Qatar-tribune.com
She mentioned in one of her comments that she was Canadian - although what difference does it make ?
Mr acchabaccha: You don't learn - do you?
One of your comments will now be met with a dozen comments of no real value and the thread will lose its real focus.. :(
Molten Metal: Why are you afraid to disclose your nationality?
I am still ROFL from one of your comments today.
Sorry, computer glitch. The last sentence should have read: Lastly, place small box at some convenient place in the embassy for suggestions. This may help get some new and better ideas which if feasible, could be implemented.
The move to shift the Pakistani embassy to a new and more spacious building is the need of the hour and is welcoming news. While the embassy has no doubt has done its best within the space it has available now by arranging for portable cabins, these were definitely not the permanent solutions. As such, hopefully the new embassy building would be designed to overcome the current difficulties being faced by the Pakistanis in Qatar.
It is not the embassy building that needed to be looked into. Possibly, there are multitude of ways by which improvements could be made in the current working system. One thing that may be looked into is how to cut down on the number of visits a person needs to make to get a job done. As per my last visit several months back to renew a passport, one needs to go to the embassy early in the morning to get an appointment which is usually given for the next day. A working employee loses almost half a day on this. He then goes to the embassy the next day for documentation, picture to be taken and to pay the fee. Then he needs to go again to collect his passport. That is almost three days. Could the embassy look at ways by which these trips could be reduced even by a day? It sure would make some difference.
A question that struck me when I was there the last time was why did the embassy remove UBL and give the responsibilities of fee collection to Doha Bank? UBL is a Pakistani bank and it is the only Pakistani bank in Qatar. I am sure they were providing good service when they were there earlier.
The embassy should allow ease of access to the Counselor Officer. The current officer is indeed one who listens and does extend a hand of help. Earlier, this was not so. I just hope it continues in this way.
Lastly, place a small box f
Amazing .. :0(
Molten Metal: I am now back and if you have the courage within you tell me your nationality.By saying that will be quiet till tomorrow, I suppose you are running away from answering the question about your nationality.
I am still ROFL from your comments on this post!
Swati, I have been left with no answer ............. so I am quiet till tomorrow 07.25 AM .........
Accha, This is first time I REPORTED against myself ........ consdering Allah is watching .............. so better admit it ..........
I will not argue with you { till tomorrow } .. ...... Please consider I am standing in the row which just behind you .... .... My sins list is already long , please , I do not want somebody should expose more of me in front of Allah ........ ...
THIS makes me to BOW in front of you again ......... I want to loose to you my dear bro ...... as you are going for praying to Allah ..... I ve no standing now ... .....
Molten Metal: I am on my way to the Juma'a salah and I will pray for you!
Molten Metal: My first question, "Are you a Pakistani?" Have the courage to speak out the truth and tell me about you nationality.
Posting NINE comments (with several making no sense at all) one after the other doesn't add strength to your logic. By writing such unwanted, silly comments on something you hardly know anything about, your have once again shown your level of thinking, that's all
If you have the "courage" then tell me your nationality. And do not hide it.
PS: I am still ROFL over one of your comments this morning on this post,, "It will be an extra burden on the country's economy." Ha! Ha! Ha!
MM why are you showing your hatred to a particular nation here?do u deserve a bigger facility.....what is that suppose to mean?dude it is their choice and their area they make it double the size or tripple the size that has nothing to do with you....they take 2 years or 3 years is not your headache.....your comments are not useful too...you are living in a fools world if you think you are replying sensibily
Accha, Tell me HONESTLY ..... Do you deserve the new bigger facility with waiting halls ? ...............
Accha, Make a promise that today before you sleep you will check the expiry date of your PP ........... one must be at least a bare minimum responsible ..............
Accha, Read the topic atleast once before you start posting your wasteful comments.
Ambassador says the new place has twice the size than the present one ....... What does that mean ? ............
Accha take care now about what Saadia Gohar has given you in the writing .......... ........
We will see again in Aug 2017 if people heed to her request or NOT ....... ? ..............
Look at the public image including Accha '' She said that about 150 applications for passport renewal are received daily, 75% of which have expired long ago.
'' ............
People like Accha waste their time at QL but never care to look at their PPs expiry dates ......... !!
Look again you lack common sense ....... so leave my comments to Brit, Muad, Mufti & Wuna ........... it would be in your favour if you get help from somebody to learn ethics ......... use your time for your benefit ...........
Accha, Two days back you told that you were unable to understand my comments & that you will never reply to my comments ..... !!!
Today what happened you started responding to my comments ..... ???
You can NOT be trusted for your words ........... ! ? ...
Molten Metal: I am at a total loss to understand your logic in your statement, " Expenses would go up .........it would be an extra burden on the country's economy."
Your yesterday's comment on a post that people must take off their clothes in summer to better manage the heat had me ROFL all day.
This morning you have given me another one to ROFL "it will be an extra burden on the country's economy." Ha! Ha! Ha!
Mods Accha NEVER cares about the topic ....... Accha always discusses people ......... It's an ABUSE ...........
Mods, Accha is abusing ................
Molten Metal: Where has the number "three" appeared in the entire article? The subject line reads "within two years." The ambassador has stated "within two years." But you need further assurance if it would be "Two or two to three years." Why? Any reasons behind your query? Are you not satisfied with the Ambassador's statement? Do you want the Pakistan Embassy to give you "in writing" that it will be "two years" as stated and not "three?"
You write just for the sake of writing,,. man, and then when people object to your silly comments, you think the whole world is against you and you get down to insulting people openly.
Expenses would go up ......... it will be an extra burden on the country's economy .........................
Two or two to three years ? ......... Please confirm ................
This will be of benefit to all .. Joys